Michelle Obama’s Fitness Secrets

No matter what your politic beliefs, few can say anything negative about First Lady Michelle Obama’s physique. Clearly she does a good job taking care of her body. So what are her secrets? Recently she divulged 11 things that help to keep her in shape. The first is that contrary to what you might think, she doesn’t count calories. Now this I can relate to. I find calorie counting to be more of a burden than anything else. She also doesn’t like to diet. Instead, she focuses on health (isn’t this what I have been saying in so many of … Continue reading

Creating a Fitness Journal – Part 1

Sometimes we need to see things in black and white. This way we can’t deny the truth, whether it is the amount of exercise we are getting or the types of foods that we are eating. If you really want to be successful in developing and maintaining a fit lifestyle, I strongly suggest putting together a fitness journal. You can make this as simple or as fancy as you like. You can use a spiral notebook, your computer, a binder, whatever works best for you. Before you put together a fitness journal however, we need to think about the key … Continue reading

A Little Here, A Little There

Any amount of exercise is good for you. If you can even just snag 10 minutes of exercise a day, you are at least on the right track. It is better than nothing. Of course the ideal situation would be that you get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. However a little here and a little there, it begins to add up. Guess what else adds up? If you are eating a little here, a little there than you are sabotaging any exercise efforts you have put in. I’m talking about unhealthy eating and I have to confess, … Continue reading

The Benefits of a Food Journal

I was recently reading about the benefits of a food journal. A food journal will give you a clear picture about your eating habits. Researchers believe that a food journal gives you a better chance at losing weight. Why? When it is all laid out before you, then you gain an understanding of what specific changes you need to make. I like journaling in general. Journaling is therapeutic for me. It is also a great way to note life’s up and down moments. I can see how a food journal would do the same. You might notice a pattern where … Continue reading

Not All of Us Have Michele Obama Arms

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but there seems to be this new fashion out there in shirts for women. They are all virtually sleeveless. I went shopping at one of my favorite clothing stores yesterday, Kohl’s Department Store. I was on the lookout for some nice tops, however, was disappointed to see that almost all of them were pretty near being sleeveless. Its summer so you might be wondering what the big deal is about short sleeves. Well, I am still working on my upper arms so I don’t feel comfortable showing them off in a very … Continue reading