A Review of “My Fitness Coach”

So for the past two weeks I have been thoroughly enjoying a new Wii fitness program, “My Fitness Coach.” After nearly a month of not using my Wii Fit Plus program due to health reasons, I was feeling a little unmotivated about starting up again. I think the boredom had finally hit and I was realizing that it wasn’t challenging enough. While I was physically active with Wii Fit, it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t sweating and to me, a good workout involves some sweat. So after several Facebook status updates from a friend who was using “My Fitness Coach,” I … Continue reading

Zumba Is Coming to the Video Game World

I keep hearing about the latest fitness craze, Zumba. In fact, I have a few Facebook friends who will post status updates about how much fun they had in their Zumba class. One status yesterday read, “My Zumba class got canceled,” followed with a sad face. If you’re wondering what Zumba is, it is a dance fitness program with some Latin flair. If that doesn’t sound like fun in itself, then I don’t know what more you want. But I’m always up for a little funk. And since it is dance fitness, it burns a lot of calories. Zumba classes … Continue reading

Striiv Brings Gaming and Fitness Together

There is a new device that is said to take what Wii Fit does in your home, and turn into something motivating and useful when you are outside the home. It is called Striiv, a portable device that can measure your movements and provide you with rewards based on your level of activity. The cost will be $99. Similar to a pedometer, it can track your steps. But you can also set goals and play games with friends. It is taking the world of gaming (including social gaming) to a whole different level. The hope is to reach those who … Continue reading

Over a Year Later Still Enjoying Wii Fit Plus

It has been more than a year since I purchased and began using my Wii Fit Plus. I remember at the time my oldest son thought it was stupid. How can you get fit using a balance board and some games on the television screen? I wasn’t sure at the time it was going to work either. After all, it was more fun than work to do many of the interactive activities. But as I began to create my own workout routines, I found it was actually more challenging that I thought. Here are the greatest benefits I have found … Continue reading