What Does Your House Say about Your Marriage?

What does your house say about your marriage? Have you ever been into a house and you just know it’s a house filled with love and where the couple is happily married? It may not be the smartest house, it may not always be the tidiest house, and it may not look like a display house. But have you ever noticed with display houses everything is so pristine and perfectly arranged that it’s hard to actually imagine a real family living there? Recently Andrea wrote a blog about if your walls could talk what would they say. On that note, … Continue reading

Setting Healthy Boundaries for Your Children (4)

The process of setting healthy boundaries in your child starts very early in life. By the time a child can say “No” he or she has long grasped the concept of personal boundaries and so it is the responsibility of the parent to let their child know one very important concept: They can’t have everything. It can be hard to say “no” to a pair of beseeching eyes but it is up to you, the parent, to be the strong one in this parent-child relationship into which you have entered. It is so easy to fall into the trap of … Continue reading

Don’t Give Your Children Everything

Hands up all those parents who want their children to have a better life than they did? This seems to be one of the most universal desires of parents the world over. It’s natural to want your child to have a better education, better nutrition, indeed better everything. We want to provide the very best start in life for our child. What parent wouldn’t? However, it pays to be very discerning when deciding what exactly you mean by “better.” Today’s children seem to have more toys and more extracurricular choices than we had as children. Our own parents no doubt … Continue reading

Personal Value: Your Health is Everything

Your personal health is one of the most valuable things you possess. Throughout our teens and twenties, it’s pretty normal to take our health for granted. After all, if we’re injured – we bounce back pretty quickly. Losing weight doesn’t seem to be that hard and getting well takes almost no time at all. For the majority of us, the last things we’re thinking about when we’re in our twenties is heart disease, diabetes or arthritis. In fact, it’s not at all uncommon to decide to lose ten pounds and shed them quickly just by putting forth a little effort. … Continue reading

Real Food Matters

How well does your family eat? Sometimes, it can seem like the easiest solution to dinner is the best choice, especially when busy families are balancing after-school activities, homework, and everything else. Fast food is quick, but generally not the healthiest way to go. Instead, families should change their lifestyle to include real food. Don’t worry if you feel that learning about real food, how to cook it, and where to buy it, seems overwhelming. There is a fantastic website that can teach you everything you need to know. BantingWarehouse understands that real food matters. They provide information for people … Continue reading

Review of “NewYu Fitness Monitor”

I was recently sent a “NewYu Fitness Monitor,” valued at $99, to review. To be honest, it has been difficult to get full use of this monitor because of some health issues. But I have used it enough to understand it’s good and bad. First, let me explain how it works. It looks much like a pedometer and although it works like one, it goes a little further. Pedometers track the number of steps you take. This monitor can track all physical activity, so if you are doing vigorous housework or biking, this gets included into your daily activity level. … Continue reading

Gardening As A Whole Curriculum

Now that spring is here, most states are starting to thaw out and warm up. This an excellent time to begin a garden, no matter how small, and teach the kids about botany, art, vocabulary, water conservation, nutrition, and so much more. I’m a firm believer in getting the most bang for my buck and most use out of every moment. Each lesson you teach your kids can incorporate many subjects, not just the most obvious one at hand. Gardening is no different. The house we live in now has a nice back and front yard, but even when we … Continue reading

Parents Play a Pivotal Role in Reducing Teen Pregnancy

In the midst of a debate over the best way to lower teen pregnancy rates, whether it is through teaching abstinence or informing teens about the risks of sexually transmitted diseases and methods of birth control, the story of an eleven-year-old girl giving birth to a baby, to me screams, “neither is working!” The fact is, teachers can preach and teach until they are blue in the face, but until parents take initiative in teaching their own children about sex, teen pregnancy is not going anywhere. Teens are constantly being bombarded with images of teen sexuality in television, movies, books … Continue reading

Is Artistic Genius an Excuse?

Are those with exceptional artistic or creative talent outside the rules for normal relationships and marriage boundaries? So often in today’s society, and even past society that seems to be the case. We make excuses because they are a genius. That was some of the thoughts that came out of the play Mick and I saw last night. We went with friends to see our local drama group’s production of the play Mr. Bailey’s Minder by Australian author Debra Oswald. The play is the ‘tough, funny and bighearted story of an abusive and cantankerous’ artist called Leo Bailey. Leo has … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: July 28th Through August 3rd

What makes a house a home? Is it the little decorating touches, the noises of little feet stomping down the stairs in the morning or the feeling that when you enter your home you’ve left the world behind? However you define your home, you’ll find lots of ways in the Home Blog to personalize it and keep it cozy and safe. Here is a review of last week’s articles. July 28th When Remodeling, Consider the Neighbors If you are planning a remodeling project, it is important to consider the neighbors. No, not because they might complain but because their home … Continue reading