Gearing Up for Holiday Eating

For some, the thought of the holidays brings a sense of dread…hard to believe it is almost that time again. Then for others it brings a sense of cheer. But like it or not, they will be here before you know it. How do I know? I am already seeing Christmas decorations. Wow, can’t we at least get through Halloween first? So that means we will be faced with holiday eating temptations yet again. How did you manage last year? Did you hold up or did you buckle? I think it’s important that when it comes to fitness, we not … Continue reading

A Clean Slate

Although most of us tend to consider the New Year as an opportunity to start with a clean slate, others look at the change of seasons as their chance for new beginnings. So now that we are on the verge of fall, perhaps it’s time you make this your clean slate. With a clean slate you wipe away all of your past failures. It doesn’t matter what you did or didn’t do as far as exercise or eating right over the summer. This is a new beginning and a brand new opportunity to start again. Think about the fact that … Continue reading

The Benefits of Keeping Up or Starting Up a Fitness Routine in the Fall

We are in the midst of the fall season and so it seems to be a good reason to remind you of the benefits of keeping up or starting a fitness routine. The first benefit is that you can enjoy the beautiful scenery surrounding you, such as the changing leaves, while you venture out on a walk or run. I am always amazed at some of the vibrant colors that can be found in the leaves during this time. And I have to admit that I enjoy the sound of crunching beneath my feet. But don’t just relegate your walk … Continue reading

Preparing a Fitness Routine for the Fall Season

Well summer is slowly coming to an end. For some people this is a difficult thing to accept. They want to hold onto summer as long as possible. For other people (myself included), they are looking forward to cooler days. As we prepare for the upcoming fall season, we should also be preparing our fitness routine. After all, for many of us things drastically change when the temperatures begin to drop. While many of us are quite active during the summer months, the cooler months can cause some to lose motivation. But planning for this ahead of time can help. … Continue reading

Fitness for the Beginner

Since its Spring I have to assume that there will be some beginners out there. You may have spent the entire winter season indoors, enjoying your couch and decided to wait until the warmer weather to begin a fitness routine. If you are a beginner the most important thing you should know is to start slow. While the idea of jumping into a fitness plan head-on might sound like the best way to go, it really isn’t. You will get quickly discouraged and lose the motivation to keep going. If you have never exercised before, do not start off by … Continue reading

Thinking Ahead to Spring

This week the temperature here in Wisconsin is supposed to hit near 60 degrees. Since there are still remnants of snow scattered throughout my city, this is more than just good news. This is great news and a sure sign that spring is just around the corner. So now I am thinking ahead to a fit spring. How can I make the most of the upcoming season and the warmer days ahead? While it has been cold I have been using my Wii Fit and treadmill. But I am definitely looking forward to getting outdoors and implementing additional types of … Continue reading

Walk to School

When my children were younger I walked them to school during the warmer months. It was great exercise for all of us and helped wake my children up in the morning. Now that they are older, in different school districts and I drive other kids home it is not possible. However I can’t help but notice that so many parents from my neighborhood school drive when they only live a few blocks away. The best way to teach our children anything, including fitness, is through example. If you only live two blocks from school yet you insist on jumping into … Continue reading

Thinking Ahead to the Colder Months

Since this week we had our first official day of fall I am starting to think about the upcoming winter months and how I can best prepare for them with my fitness routine. Walking outdoors will definitely become a thing of the past since I live in Wisconsin. However I could also look at shoveling snow as an alternative. At any rate, the colder months also tend to bring other unwanted things into the home, like illness. Colds, the sniffles and the flu are sure to hit my home. The thing about getting sick is that I know I will … Continue reading

Do Fitness Apps Work?

Technology is amazing. I am always surprised at the innovative ways technology changes our world. Perhaps I am alone in this but I only recently discovered that there are Fitness Apps available for your iPod or iPhone. So now I am left to wonder if fitness apps really work. My husband and I are eagerly waiting for December, when we can upgrade our phones. We have been checking out the Droids and all the features they offer. I was so happy when I recently discovered that fitness apps exist. Apparently there is an app for everything. I tend to get … Continue reading

Is Reality Fitness a Joke?

Are you for real? One of the stars of an apparently “hit” reality show “Jersey Shore” is set to make a whole lot of money thanks to a fitness DVD. This brings up a stirring question, is reality fitness a joke? I have never personally watched “Jersey Shore.” In fact, the only reason I know anything about it is because I am a fan of “The View” and on one of their segments they had some of the stars of “Jersey Shore.” Now forgive me if you are a fan of this show but I really thought these people were … Continue reading