Exercise Benefits the Whole Person

We talk about the benefits of doing something, we often focus on one or two things about it that creates a benefit. For example, why get a job? To pay the bills would likely be the answer most of us give. Yet when we get a job that we enjoy or are successful at, we receive more than just a weekly paycheck. We may receive benefits such as health insurance and access to a fitness program. We receive self-esteem and personal pride. We receive the capability to achieve goals and more. The same can be said for physical exercise. It’s … Continue reading

Put Your Ideas on the Table First

Most of us know that when it comes to brainstorming, the idea is to get all the ideas and creativity flowing before trying to structure and figure out the “how” of getting things implemented. In our home businesses, we may be so focused on making things work on a daily basis that we forget and censure ourselves and our ideas. Instead of trying so hard to always get things right, we can encourage our own creativity by getting all those ideas out on the table first–and THEN figuring out how to make it happen. I have written before about how … Continue reading

What’s My Workout Like These Days

Trying to balance recuperation with recovery and getting back into shape is a tightrope that requires a juggle and then some. I have had several people ask me what I am doing these days and how am I doing with the exercises. So I thought I’d spend some time giving you an overview of my current workout and my goals, such as they are. My Workout During the bulk of my recuperation period, I was working on fifteen minute a day walks designed to boost my stamina and help me recover my energy. At first, all those walks did was … Continue reading

Brainstorming – What Counts?

We talked about brainstorming earlier and stimulating your brain. We talked about how it enhanced your mood and boosted your confidence, but what counts as brainstorming? Let’s chat. Brainstorming Brainstorming itself is the act of generating new ideas or solutions for a problem. For example, let’s brainstorm about why we might need to brainstorm. Brainstorming gives us an opportunity to consider our options Brainstorming gives us options we might otherwise dismiss Brainstorming does not require absolutes or perfect ideas Brainstorming can help you create new ideas Brainstorming requires little more than a few minutes of your time and some writing … Continue reading

Puzzles & Brainstorming Can Really Give You a Boost

Did you know that when you’re really dragging or finding it hard to pluck up the motivation to do anything that a sound session of brainstorming can not only boost your mood, it can enhance it – creating an environment where you are more mentally and physically alert? School Days I was reminiscing the other day about when I was in school. For five years, I was in a program that started every morning with a series of logic problems that grew increasingly complex along with two-minute mysteries and more. During my recovery from surgery, various friends and family members … Continue reading