Short and Long Term Goals

I am really big on goal setting in all areas of life, including fitness. But I also think that when it comes to this particular area, it’s important to have both short term and long term goals. Let’s say you are in your 30’s and haven’t exercised a day in your life. Your short term and long term goals are likely to be different than someone else in their 30’s who does a moderate amount of physical activity. So if you are moving from couch potato to fitness enthusiast, your short term goals might be as simple as walking three … Continue reading

Inspiration through Motivational Quotes

Are you inspired by motivational quotes? I have been known to post scripture verses or motivational words around my house. I put them in places that my family and I will see most frequently (mirror, refrigerator, my desk, dashboard in the car, etc.). By getting these encouraging words into your heart and thought processes, it can push you to move forward. It can inspire you to not give up. Sometimes we need a little kick in the pants to help us press on. So by filling your mind with motivational words, you may be able to get where you never … Continue reading

Don’t Give Up

The other day I blogged about falling off the fitness wagon, something I am sure many can relate to. I was so down about it and so afraid to step on my Wii balance board (my scale). I was sure it was going to show that I had completely demolished all of my hard work. I hadn’t weighed myself in almost two weeks and I didn’t anticipate anything good to come of it. Imagine my surprise when I saw that despite my fall, I had still lost a pound. How is that possible, I thought? Didn’t I completely fall back … Continue reading

Squeezing in Exercise When You Sit All Day

Sitting all day long is not good for your health. So if you work in an office or any type of job where you are sitting for long periods of time, you will need to get creative. Since I work from home, spending several hours most days of the week writing, it can be very easy to get comfortable and stay comfortable. I used to workout before I started my assignments. I figured it was better to get it out of the way but now I have changed things up. I try to get in 30 to 40 minutes of … Continue reading

Surviving the Holidays

The end of November and into the New Year is when many people struggle with fitness. This is a time of year where weight is gained due to the holiday celebrations. In addition many people who got their exercise outdoors are now stuck inside during these cold winter months and lose their motivation. Then there are people who have no problem letting loose because they figure once the New Year comes, they can start again. You can survive the holiday season and still maintain a fitness routine. It won’t be easy but with some discipline and the right perspective you … Continue reading

What Do Your Portion Sizes Look Like?

Each week I try to work on a new healthy lifestyle goal. This week I have started working on portion size. This is one way that I want to work on finding satisfaction, not overindulgence, when it comes to my food. The biggest obstacle in my weight loss journey has been food. Setting goals to lose weight is great but what happens if you just plain love food? I am not quite ready to make drastic changes in my eating habits. There are some things I don’t want to give up, at least not at this point in time. I … Continue reading

The Blame Game

I recently read this crazy article about a guy who is suing the makers of an online virtual game called “Lineage II.” The premise for his lawsuit is that the game didn’t contain a warning that he would become so addicted to it that it would make him unable to function normally on a daily basis. Apparently this game prevented him from getting up in the morning, getting dressed, bathing or even being able to communicate with family and friends. Are you serious? It reminds me of the lawsuits that have been filed against McDonalds, citing it was the fast … Continue reading

Small Steps Can Lead to Big Changes

If you have been having trouble establishing a fitness routine, it may be that you are going at it the wrong way. For some people just jumping into a routine works great but for many other people they need to slowly work their way in. Weekly goals may be the right way to tackle your fitness routine. Monthly goals are too long and daily are too short. I think weekly are a good compromise. So let’s think about exercise. Let’s say you want to be able to work out at least 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes … Continue reading

10 Advantages to Being Part of a Small Church

Here are ten great advantages to being a part of a small church: 1. Personal relationship with the Pastor. Many times in very large churches you don’t have the opportunity to get to know your pastor or pastors as individuals. They often appear on the platform and perhaps at the door on your way out. Conversely, in a small church you have the opportunity to get to know your pastor. You can get together for meals and share your burdens one on one with the Shepherd of your church. 2. More opportunities for service. In a small church, there are … Continue reading