Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money? {Part 3}

In, Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money?, Part 1 and Part 2, I discussed the background information you need before starting a blog that has the potential of earning you a profit.  If you missed those two posts, please take time to read them as blogs without a proper foundation do not earn profits. Not all profits can strictly financial but we all want to know now to earn cold hard cash.  There is no easy answer but there are avenues you can take to drive your blog to the bank. Here are some of the most popular ways to … Continue reading

The All-or-Nothing Person

I don’t know if you can relate to this, but I tend to be an all-or-nothing kind of person.  Although this can be a good trait, for the most part it stands in the way.  This is especially true with fitness.  Thankfully I am learning to overcome this mentality. Here is what the all-or-nothing person looks like.  You intend to start up an exercise program on Monday.  But something happens and your schedule for the day gets screwed up. The all-or-nothing person’s response isn’t “I will just start on Tuesday.”  No, they decide to wait until the following Monday. Here … Continue reading

Natural Cleaning Products are Getting Better

All natural cleaning is really coming into it’s own. More and more people are using vinegar to clean instead of harsher chemicals, and we are talking about it, on blogs, in forums and where ever women talk about cleaning. There is a move towards products that are safer for our families and better for the environment. Heinz, who currently makes more than 7.5 million gallons of vinegar a year for American households has announced it will be making a stronger vinegar. The new product will be 20% stronger than traditional vinegar and still be safe for cooking. This move shows … Continue reading

Striving for Progress Rather than Perfection

I recently ran across a quote that I thought was very fitting for those who are trying to improve their fitness levels. The author of the quote is not known but it is this: “Strive for progress, not perfection.” Would you call yourself a perfectionist? If you are this can be a huge detriment to you as you seek to make changes in what you eat and how active you are. That’s because as soon as you mess up—such as eating that dessert you wanted to skip or missing two days of exercise—you feel like you are a failure. When … Continue reading

Special Needs Blog Week in Review – Week of February 19 – 25, 2012

Did you miss something on the Special Needs Blog this week? One way to easily find the blogs that you missed out on, but meant to read, is to check out the Special Needs Blog Week in Review. You can find everything that hit the blog in the past week. Just click on the link the whatever blogs catch your attention. The Special Needs Podcast Roundup went up on February 20, 2012. This week, I’d like to point out the Hope Saves the Day podcast. They discuss a brand new book that is designed to help parents to raise children … Continue reading

Thankful for my Divorce?

My divorce was hands down the most difficult thing I have ever gone through in my life. While things ran rather smoothly, I thought my life was over. At the time I just knew nothing good could ever come of it! But I was wrong. In light of Thanksgiving I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking of the things I am so thankful for and believe it or not my divorce is at the top of the list this year. Now I realize this may sound a little crazy to most of you. Why in the world would anyone … Continue reading

Better Breakfast Month

According to American Food Holidays website, September is Better Breakfast Month. I think someone make this month for me. Anyone who has read my articles enough will know that I have a strong dislike for breakfast. Waking up and eating in the morning does not lure me out of bed. Perhaps a hot cup of coffee followed by a bagel with cream cheese or a cream filled donut would get me out of bed. So much was wrong with that statement. Sugar is not the best way to start the day. I grew up on Pop Tarts for breakfast. Before … Continue reading

Is Something Better Than Nothing?

It may be if you are trying to teach your two-year-old manners and are only able to extract a sheepish “Peeaz!” after he’s already stuffed his mouth full of chocolate cake. However, when it comes to preserving the health and well being of your child, most parents aim for the 100 percent mark. I wouldn’t consider myself an all or nothing type mom, though my parent receptors were raised after reading Newsweek’s article on the effectiveness of hand sanitizers, and then seeing Purell listed on my daughter’s new school supply list. According to the magazine’s crack research team, alcohol-based hand … Continue reading

Something Is Better Than Nothing

We sometimes receive conflicting information when it comes to exercise and physical activity. We are told that a little bit is better than nothing. But then we are also told that if you aren’t engaging in a certain amount of exercise or physical activity every week, there is no benefit to your body. So which is it? If I don’t spend 5 to 6 days a week, 30 minutes a day in some form of exercise, is it pointless to do anything? According to new guidelines issued by the “American College of Sports Medicine,” although they recommend at least 150 … Continue reading

We Can Always Do Better

I remember eating lunch with a friend one time and I ordered a salad. Whether or not I am on a health kick, I always enjoy a good salad. I asked for extra dressing and while I didn’t exactly drown my salad, I had a healthy portion of it covering my greens. My friend made the comment that it did no good to have a salad if I was going to pour all that dressing on top of it. Well, I begged to differ. Wasn’t a salad with lots of dressing better than the juicy, bacon-laden, dripping with cheeseburger and … Continue reading