Stationary Bikes & Joint Issues

When it comes to shopping new equipment, it would be great if I had access to every one that was out there. But I don’t. So a good place to check out personal reviews of users of different kinds of stationary bikes can be found at Epinions. Check out their All Exercise Equipment Stationary Bike reviews. Don’t be disheartened, however, I am not giving up. I just want to make sure that my readers get the best possible information they can as easily as they can while I still do my research and checking out different pieces where I can. … Continue reading

To Spin or Not to Spin?

Do you spin? I’m not necessarily into spinning. I like bike riding, but I’m not that into spinning. Spinning makes me think of twirling and riding a bike shouldn’t be like twirling – at least not if I am to perform it safely. Spinning is very popular in gyms all over the country and it encourages thousands of people to make use of the gym cycles in an intense workout regimen. Fitness Classes Spinning is all about riding a stationary bike in a controlled atmosphere with an instructor driving you on to music that’s designed to get your heart racing … Continue reading

Cycling’s Power of Three

Cycling is the one of the best forms of exercise that accomplishes multiple goals in a short amount of time. But if you are still not totally convinced the following are the three most powerful reasons to invest in a good bike, some padded bike pants, a helmet and an hour on the trails or road. Power of One Bored with your workout? You won’t be when you take up cycling. You get out the spinning room, out of the gym, out of the house and into the sunshine and the fresh air. Your bike can travel just about anywhere … Continue reading

Exercise in the Water

Who should exercise in the water? Among the best candidates for the exercising in the water are those who suffer from arthritis. Arthritis can affect people of all ages, though we typically see it affecting the elderly. The most specific form of arthritis to affect older adults is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when the tissues around the cartilage of the joints is thinned due to wear and tear. While many arthritic individuals are reluctant to exercise because they are in pain, the simple fact is that exercise is good for you. If you work out in the water, it’s even better. … Continue reading