Pros and Cons to Elliptical Machines

I am a pretty big of my elliptical machine. I have a NordicTrack, found at most exercise stores and department stores that carry exercise equipment (such as Sears). Although the elliptical machines are one of my favorite workout machines, like with any machine, there are pros and cons. Pros One pro to an elliptical, whether at the gym or at your home, is that it is an indoor workout. Indoor workouts are convenient when the weather outside is less than desirable. Indoor workouts can also be safer. Instead of running outside where you have to deal with terrain, the elliptical … Continue reading

Mid-year Goals

I am in total shock that it is already August. Where did this year go? In a couple months the fall and winter holidays begin and before we know it, it will be 2012! Pondering this on a drive home from my camping trip last week, I decided to make some mid-year goals to help me get back on track. Earlier in the summer when my teaching job ended, I got back into major workout mode with spinning class, hiking 2-3 times a week, elliptical at least twice a week, etc. However, with some stress and other factors that creeped … Continue reading

Outdoor vs. Indoor Workouts

I sometimes wonder whether I prefer indoor or outdoor workouts. Where I live, weather isn’t usually a major factor. I guess it depends on what my schedule is like, how motivated I am, and if I am working out with someone. Outdoor Workouts I enjoy outdoor workouts because I love fresh air. Hiking and biking are great ways to get moving and see the world around. Hiking especially is a passion of mine because I love nature, especially tress and animals. Biking I also enjoy because you can go far in a short time. Walking can be a convenient workout … Continue reading

Making Healthy Living Your Lifestyle

Healthy living for some people comes naturally. For others it takes effort, time and some adjustments to their lifestyle. First take a look at your lifestyle. What are you eating? What are you doing in your spare time? How much exercise do you get each week? How many hours of sleep a night do you get? After taking a look at where you are at, pick one or two things to work on. It could even be a small change in what you drink or eat. For example, if you are an excessive coffee or soda drinker, scaling down to … Continue reading

The Music for the Work

I’m going to sort of reveal my age here, but I really don’t understand how most of the young people on college campuses can stand having terrible sounding ear buds in their ears all day pumping low quality digitized music into their ears. They listen while walking, talking, studying, reading, eating, ordering, exercising, partying, playing and some even sleeping. The small portion when they’re in class (if they actually take them out) they’re giving their ears a much-needed break. Simply put, I can’t understand how you can exist in the world with constant noise going on in your head. How … Continue reading

Staying Motivated While Using an Elliptical Machine

I started using an elliptical machine when I was a teenager. Now I am on my second machine and I still love it. Elliptical machines are a great addition for your at-home gym. They can seem a bit pricey but they last 5-10 years. The best thing is that it is great for days when you don’t want to workout outside. My elliptical has a built-in fan that is especially useful for hot days. Here are some ideas to keep you motivated while working out on your elliptical machine. This can be applied to other indoor cardio machines as well. … Continue reading