Does Your Toddler Stall At Bed Time?

Sometimes it can be difficult to discern whether your toddler’s bed time requests for things like a drink or a trip to the potty are legitimate or whether they are attempts to push bed time later into the evening. If the requests are for real, of course you do not want your child to go thirsty and of course you want to support him in the process of learning how to use the potty. On the other hand, if he is stalling, you want to send a clear message that such behavior is not appropriate. If you are anything like … Continue reading

How to Make Your Eyebrow Shaping Last Longer

If you want to save money on your eyebrow shaping or eyebrow waxing, you’ll have to learn how to make it last longer in between visits. By reducing the number of visits, you will reduce the cost of getting your eyebrows done professionally, without looking like Sasquatch. Use the following tips to make your eyebrow shaping last longer. Get Started on the Right Track The first thing you will need to do is to grow out your eyebrows. I know that this seems strange, but stick with me on this one. Don’t touch your brows for three or four weeks … Continue reading

Intentional about Your Schedule

One of my biggest struggles in working from home is coming up with a workable schedule. I try one thing to see if it works and when it doesn’t, I try something else. Or I tweak my schedule one week and then implement major changes the next. Of all my “intentionals” for the year 2012, this is probably the biggest one. I don’t know why I can’t stick to a schedule. I guess I’m just one of those people that prefer something different everyday. Yet I know that I would be much more productive if I stuck to one. After … Continue reading

Teaching Your Preschooler How to Ski

Are you going to teach your child how to ski? If there is no ski hill nearby, you can help your child learn how to ski. It may be easier to begin with an adult wearing Yaktrax or snow boots, so that you can easily move around your child and pick her up when she falls down. The most important skills for skiing, in my book? Learn how to stop. Please, don’t do what my brother did, yelling at other skiers to scatter as he barreled down the ski hill. Teach your child how to make a “pizza” with her … Continue reading

Helping Your Family Adjust to Your New Calling

When you receive a new calling there is a period of time in which you adjust to the new calling and the demands that it puts on you. However there are some callings that are more demanding than others. Additionally these callings may take up so much of your time that your entire family has to adjust to the calling. Here are some tips to help you and your family adjust to the calling. First set up some boundaries about time that will always be just family time. It is important that you make sure that your family time does … Continue reading

Just When Could Youth Learn About Adoption and Life?

In a recent blog, I suggested that students be prepared for practical life—learning about parenting and adoption, community resources such as basic and emergency medical care, food and financial assistance, etc. (I do not think becoming aware of programs such as food stamps and WIC makes people who could work more likely to depend on these programs. Indeed, in my experience many people who rely on these programs are working, sometimes full-time, in lower-paying jobs–such as child care or social services, I might add!) I will say here that I do completely sympathize with the lament that schools are asked … Continue reading

What Kids Need to be Happy

In many ways our kids aren’t that much different from us. They enjoy doing some of the same silly stuff we did as kids. I realized this yesterday while I was washing my car. Tyler was standing on the sidewalk looking down the street intently. I wondered what he was doing but only for a split second because with Tyler you never know what he’s up to. My street is only one block long so there’s not a lot of traffic and even less since Katrina. When we’re at the house Tyler likes to run to the end of the … Continue reading

Pace Yourself

We are coming up on the end of the year, and for me, an incredibly busy time of year. As a single parent of three, I know that I only have two hands and two legs and one brain to get myself through this season or any other and one of the things I have had to learn over the years is how to pace myself. Since there is only one of me, I cannot afford to get run down or ragged, or let myself get put out of commission. As single parents, without the consistent back-up, it is important … Continue reading

I Want to Know How to Build My Own Exercise Program

Last week, I asked and you answered. One of the things you wanted to know about was how to build your own exercise program. An exercise program needs to consist of three basic elements: cardiovascular exercise, strength training and flexibility. These are the three tiers of fitness that you want to address. Cardiovascular Training Cardiovascular training refers to building fitter heart and lungs. Exercises you might do to increase your cardiovascular fitness include: walking, running, bicycling, roller blading, jump roping and more. Essentially, you want to hit your target heart rate and maintain it for at least 15 to 20 … Continue reading

Supplementing Your Day to Day Activities

We talk about the need to exercise 30 to 45 minutes at least three times a week. Ideally, if you could work out 45 minutes a day, 6 days a week, you’d be in peak condition in no time. But since people have trouble finding time to exercise – trust me, I know the feeling – there are other things you can do to help supplement your physical activity. Overcoming Tired Sometimes I feel like I’m too tired to work out. I may not have gotten a lot of sleep the night before. I might have gotten interrupted before I … Continue reading