Benefits of Morning Exercise

There are some real benefits to morning exercise. There is just something about starting your day off with a good fitness routine that can really set a good pace for the day. One of the benefits to exercise in the morning is that you get it done. If you are anything like me, putting off fitness until later doesn’t always happen. In fact, most times if I don’t get it in right away in the morning, it is very unlikely to happen later. Let’s face it, life is filled with interruptions, distractions and so many things to do that it … Continue reading

Switching Up Your Exercise Routine

Do you ever get tired of your regular exercise routine? I know that I do. Some days I just cannot bear the thought of going through the same movements and desire a change. Did you know that it is recommended that you change your exercise routine every few weeks? Apparently, your body gets so used to the movements that they are not as effective as when you originally started out doing them. When you switch up your exercise routine you are giving your body a surprise attack that says, “This is something new and different. What is going on?” You … Continue reading

Updating Your Exercise Routine

You’d never know it by looking out my living room window, but according to the calendar, spring is on its way. For may fitness buffs, this means switching up the ol’ exercise routine and adding more outdoor calorie-burning activities. When the weather warms up I surf the Internet and plan hiking adventures. Backpacker magazine has an extremely user-friendly Find-A-Hike option that provides incredibly detailed maps. If you are looking for cool places to explore nature with your entire family, you’ll find this tool indispensable. The Find-A-Hike electronic helper allows you to simply scroll across any U.S. state and find detailed … Continue reading

Spruce Up Your Fitness Routines

We’re having a garage sale this weekend. We’re cleaning out all the clothes that no longer fit my daughter and we’re putting out for sale everything from shoes to pants to dresses and more. We’re cleaning out cupboards in the kitchen too and selling a dish set that we never use and much more. You can do more to clean up your fitness act than just cleaning out the closets. Let’s talk about how we can give our fitness routines a spring/summer spruce and get rid of the parts of your routine that aren’t doing it for you anymore. How … Continue reading

Get a Free Sample of Eucerin Lotion

What does it mean to take care of your health? This might make you think about eating fresh, healthy, vegetables, or getting more exercise. It might mean quitting smoking, or switching to decaf. It is also important to take good care of your skin. Eucerin can help you protect your skin, with a free sample of their lotion. Your skin requires a lot of protection. Most people are aware that it is a good idea to use sunscreen if you are going to be spending several hours out in the sun. Some would recommend a certain amount of sunscreen be … Continue reading

Step Aerobics

I’ve discovered a new form of exercise that I really love. It is step aerobics. Step aerobics is using an elevated platform to step on and off from. Platforms can be set at different heights and there are a variety of steps that can be taken to make it interesting and fun. Step aerobics is popular in many health clubs; however, it is something you can do at home. What I really like about step aerobics is how it allows me to do two things at one time. I can read a book if I am doing the simple method … Continue reading

I’ll Do It Tomorrow

I went outside this morning for the first time this week. You might think that going three days without ever leaving the apartment is crazy, but there have been weeks this winter when we haven’t ventured out. It’s a beautiful, sunny day, and if I wasn’t able to look at the temperature or see the snow, I’d think it was spring. The sky is blue, there’s a breeze rustling through the trees, and I can hear the mellow clanging of our neighbors’ wind chimes. Sure, I could bundle my baby up and take her for a walk in the stroller. … Continue reading

Overcoming Weight Loss Obstacles

The God Factor I don’t know if your are a spiritual person, but as I was sitting in church on Sunday, I absorbed the message put forth by the pastor, “Those doing God’s work will be faced with obstacles. It is guaranteed.” Now, while I am not implying that my personal weight loss is the Lord’s work, although of course I look to Him for direction in all of my life (and He is great at helping one overcome obstacles), the message did get me to start thinking about recent obstacles that I have faced so far. Week Four I’ve … Continue reading

Dance Fitness – Wanna Dance?

So You Think You Can Dance is back on television and like last year, my daughter and I are totally hooked. This Thursday they will launch the actual contest. Whenever I watch the show, I’m reminded of just how physical is dancing (not that I needed the reminder), but with the show back on, it’s a good time to remind others as well. If you’re interested in switching up your fitness routine this summer, consider dancing as a way to invigorate your workout while also toning your body, burning extra calories and just overall feeling great. Think dancing can’t burn … Continue reading

Are You A Caffeine Addict?

Does your family avoid you until you’ve had your first cup of coffee in the morning? Do you have trouble functioning without that morning jolt of caffeine? If you’re worried about your dependence on caffeine, you aren’t alone. Caffeine is quite possibly the most commonly used drug in the world. It alters mood and energy levels and can cause problems for your sleep patterns — and can be very hard to quit! You may not need to give up your beloved caffeine entirely, but there are lots of ways to cut back and still get your brain going in the … Continue reading