Nutrition Made Easy

Are you at a loss as to how you should be eating healthy? The new food pyramid website can show you how. At you can learn about anything pertaining to healthy eating. This website will let you know what you should weigh, what you should be eating and how much you should be eating. You can track your weight and activity on My Pyramid as well. At My Pyramid you will be taken inside the pyramid to discover what food groups and how much of each are recommended. There are tips and resources available to answer any of your … Continue reading

It Shouldn’t Be This Hard

Even when you love someone, it isn’t always easy to know the right thing to do. Sometimes no matter how much you love them it’s hard to know when love, support and sympathy are quite simply too much. It’s hard to know when love and concern crosses over into interference and hovering over our spouse or other family members. Sometimes it’s a matter of timing. We want to rush in and act and show our support but in the process don’t give the one we love enough space and time to process things themselves before expecting them to share the … Continue reading

Code Pink Boot Camp

Code Pink Boot Camp is a fitness camp just for women that specialize in working with you to meet your needs and accommodate your schedule. With locations in Arizona, Hawaii and California, Code Pink Boot Camp is one hour in length for five days a week for 4 weeks. There is also an additional choice of three days a pick with your choice of which three days you would like to attend. Classes run in the early morning, the late morning or evening. Approximate cost per day is $15. Fitness classes will include Pilates, yoga, cardio workouts, ab workouts, strength … Continue reading

Weight a Minute! Getting a Life Coach

I’ve frequently heard of celebrities and other rich-type people hiring personal trainers, personal stylists, personal dressers, personal assistants—all these persons who personally see to their every need. In some ways, that sounds fabulous. I could use a maid, a cook, a nanny, a driver, a gardener . . . well, okay, I don’t really have a garden, but I have a flower bed, and I think that counts. What I really need, though, is a life coach. Someone who can take a look at my life and clearly see what I need to do to get where I need to … Continue reading

Exercise Benefits the Whole Person

We talk about the benefits of doing something, we often focus on one or two things about it that creates a benefit. For example, why get a job? To pay the bills would likely be the answer most of us give. Yet when we get a job that we enjoy or are successful at, we receive more than just a weekly paycheck. We may receive benefits such as health insurance and access to a fitness program. We receive self-esteem and personal pride. We receive the capability to achieve goals and more. The same can be said for physical exercise. It’s … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review June 25 – 29

My week in fitness was affected by a small problem with a pulled muscle in my face, but we’ll go into more on that as we get started. In the meanwhile, let’s take a look at our last week in June’s Fitness Blog Week in Review: Monday, June 25 Ten Fitness Facts That You Should Know is pretty self-explanatory and useful information. I didn’t get a lot of writing done today, but we explore the why of that in Tuesday’s articles. Tuesday, June 26 My Face is Killing Me and it turns out that I have a pulled muscle in … Continue reading

Ten Fitness Facts That You Should Know

When it comes to fitness facts, the following facts are for you to remember and hopefully inspire you to do more and reach further. Oh and if you needed more reasons to exercise – I think these 10 fitness facts might have some oomph for you to add to your workout. The average male will exercise about 115 days total in the year – that’s roughly twice a week When it comes to skipping exercise, over 90% of men say they will skip it if it conflicts with another activity – like watching a game or going out with the … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Funnies: Things You Don’t Want to Hear

It’s Friday and I have been having discussions lately with moms who work out at fitness clubs, moms who work out chasing their kids and still other moms who work out at home or through regular walking and running through the neighborhood. While all of these moms have different ways of achieving their fitness goals and likely even have different fitness goals, they are united in some ways. When it comes to fitness and exercising, there a lot of things we don’t want to hear. Some of those things include: You need to really sweat You need to work harder … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Laugh!

There’s the belly laugh, the snicker, the chortle, the gurgle, the twitter, and the snort. Did I miss any? How many different ways are there to laugh? More importantly, how many times a day do you laugh? Do you consider yourself a happy person? A recent study found that children laugh about 100 times a day. Adults are lucky if they laugh three times a day. There is something very sad about that. Yes, I mean that literally. Health can really be broken down into three parts: physical, nutritional, and emotional. They all have to work together for your whole … Continue reading

Dear Heather, Do You Trust the Calorie Counter?

Good morning, welcome to our third edition of Dear Heather and this week, we’ve got three good questions to discuss. I’m not sure if we’ll be featuring Dear Heather next week, though we’ll let next week take care of itself when it gets here. In the meanwhile, it’s December 21st and we have just 4 shopping days left till Christmas – including today – so I’ll try not to keep you here too long if you’ve got places to be. Do Calorie Counters Work? Dear Heather, I’ve been trying to get my workout in regularly and I have a gym … Continue reading