Fitness Journal – Stressing Your Pedometer

Good evening, sorry for the lateness of the hour, but I wanted to get this journal entry in before I went to bed. Today was another run to get things done both around the house and in the yard. I’m having oral surgery on Friday to extract the painful wisdom tooth and it’s next door neighbor that’s been infected for a while now. Personally, I can’t wait for the surgery, but in the meanwhile – I need to get things done so that I can rest afterwards. Pedometer Stress I’ve described using my pedometer before and we’ve talked many times … Continue reading

The 10% Rule: Boost Your Fitness

Have you ever heard of the 2% rule? In our household, the 2% rule refers to how much better you feel about anything after a shower. Feeling down and having a hard time getting motivated, then go grab a shower – you’ll have every chance of feeling at least 2% better than you did. The same can be said for taking a shower when you have a cold, when it’s hot outside, when it’s cold outside or when you just woke up or you want to go to bed. The shower is our 2% rule. So what’s the 10% Rule? … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action: Week 4, Day 2: Happy May Day!

Welcome to the first day of May here in the Fitness Blog as we count down the last week of our Spring Forward to Action Challenge. How are you doing with your workout? As I described yesterday, I’m feeling pretty great about my workout. Today is a strength-training day and I’ll make use of my free weights and my balance ball. Balance Balls Are Great For Core Workouts They allow you to focus on key muscle groups and provide you with strong support. Performing crunches, sit-ups, and 7-7-7s with the balance ball is straightforward and easy enough to do. When … Continue reading