Walking Can Reduce Chance of Having a Stroke

Sometimes we need to be reminded of all the benefits found in walking. We know that it’s good for us but sometimes we don’t think about the specific benefits in doing so. One of the dilemmas middle-aged people face is increased weight gain in their middle. If there is one trouble area that I have found in recent years to be my thorn in my side it is my middle. The sad thing is that having a heavier middle also increases your risk for heart problems, including heart attacks. Women especially are at an increased risk of developing heart disease. … Continue reading

The Beauty of Walking in the Morning

Have you ever gone for a walk just as the morning birds are beginning their song and the sun is but a promise on the horizon? Depending on where you live, this may not be the ideal scenario for you, but for some, a walk first thing in the morning is just what the doctor ordered. We spend so much time rushing around, there’s laundry, dishes, meal planning, kids, cleaning, animals, work and a dozen other things vying for our attention from the moment we start our day to the moment we go to bed at night. Typically, by night … Continue reading

Walking – The Great and Easy Exercise

Walking is one of the best exercises you can do. Why, you may ask? Because you do it every day. You do it when you get out of bed in the morning. You do it to go out and pick up the paper. You do it to get to the car and from the car. You walk all the time and if you can appreciate your legs and the beauty of walking is that you can do it anywhere, anytime and the only equipment you need is a comfortable pair of shoes. Walking and Weight Loss Walking is a cardiovascular … Continue reading

It’s Time for the Birds

While the season of spring is generally the time that most of us think about birds (after all of the mostly silent winter, it is pleasant to wake up to bird call) I generally get ready for the birds in the fall. Here is why. One of the charming bits of the house we live in is the build in bird feeder that sits attached to our home outside of the dining room window. It is a large flat platform that spoils the efforts of all critters other than birds. Across from the window and feeder is a large pine … Continue reading

Notebook of blessings

A comment on my last blog and a visit to Courtney’s blog inspired me to think about a notebook of blessings. I hope as you read you will be inspired to create your own list of blessings. I praise God for: The gift of love – that of my husband, family and friends and especially God’s love as revealed to is through Jesus and his death on the cross for my sins. The beauty of creation. We have not long returned from a walk down by what people here refer to as a lake but it is actually St Georges … Continue reading

50% of Marriages Do Not End in Divorce

I thought that headline might get your attention. Far too often we focus on the negative report of statistics that indicate relationships won’t succeed and that marriages end in divorce. I remember when I was growing up; I would wonder why people bothered to get married. I remember watching some wedding ceremony on a soap opera and finding it rather boring. Why boring? Because on a soap opera there really is no such thing as happily ever after and a couple may get married but they will likely divorce in a year or two and that divorce will either be … Continue reading

Will I Love My Adopted Child the Same As The Ones I Give Birth To?

This question may not be spoken aloud–except between adoptive parents. This worry can be in the back of the mind for a long time. For those who add children to the family only by adoption it may linger for years especially during those times when parenting is stressful. I myself wondered how I was going to feel or if the love I have would be the “same” for my adopted children as it is for the ones I gave birth to. I knew all along I was the kind of person who had the ability to love another mother’s children. … Continue reading