Millions About to Lose Unemployment Insurance Benefits

You have probably heard at least some news regarding the “fiscal cliff”. In this blog, I will focus on just one part of that. If Congress doesn’t extend emergency unemployment insurance programs, it will result in 2.1 million Americans losing their jobless benefits on January 1, 2013. That’s an incredibly stressful way to start off the new year! Unemployment insurance benefits are incredibly important. This is what a family survives on after a “breadwinner” has been laid off, or has had their company close due to the economy. A person who loses a job, through no fault of his or … Continue reading

Fitness Journal – Your Meals – Part 2

Hopefully you have picked up what you need to begin your fitness journal, as we are now going to start putting it together. We are going to start it off with meals. What you eat makes a huge difference in your ability to lose weight and your general health. The funny thing about this is that we can feel pretty sure that we are healthy eaters until we start to write down what we are actually eating. Your fitness journal should include a section where you write down everything you have eaten for the day. This includes the amount of … Continue reading

A Simple Concept about Food

I have never been shy about sharing my struggles with food. I have an established workout routine, which I do fall away from every once-in-a-while but for the most part, I remain consistent. What gets me every time, however, is food. There are just too many things that I enjoy eating, despite the fact they aren’t good for me. So what happens is either I sabotage my efforts or I stay the same (the exercise only keeps me from gaining weight but it doesn’t result in weight loss). So lately I have been on a mission to change this. I’m … Continue reading

Ways To Food Journal

Keeping a food journal is something you might want to do for different reasons. Some people want to keep a close watch on how many calories, fat, or carbohydrates they are consuming. Others might want to just see in list form all the food they are eating. Whatever your reason might be, keeping a food journal can be a key tool in your quest to be healthy and fit. Lately I have been keeping a food journal and have reflected on the various ways to keep one. I have tried to do this several times in the past, and it … Continue reading

The Food Journal

Keeping a food journal during pregnancy is a really helpful tool to ensure that you are eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong foods. It is also a wonderful way to keep track of calories and where your daily calories are being spent, which in turn helps improve your eating habits. I began keeping a food journal while I was pregnant with our first baby. It revealed early on that I was not eating enough vegetables and that I was consuming too many sugary snacks. I quickly corrected this once I saw this disturbing pattern . Later in my … Continue reading

How Long Does Healthy Food Last?

It is spring and time to clean out your pantry. Whether you are stockpiling food from extreme couponing or storing your food in case of a disaster, even long-life food items have an expiration or best buy date. Some studies show that food can lose its nutrition even before the best buy dates. Here is a guide to how long you should keep some basic food items and when it is a good idea to replace them with fresher food. Flour Whole wheat flour doesn’t last as long as white, refined flour. It spoils about four times as fast. The … Continue reading

Journal Your Way to Fit Living

You will hear me say this often, that fitness is a lifestyle. I really do believe that fitness is about more than just exercising to tone up or lose weight. I believe fitness should encompass every aspect of our lives. Fitness is about fit living. Fit living is more than just squeezing in some exercise. It is about keeping our minds fit, eating healthy and yes, even getting enough rest. It is about living a balanced lifestyle. I am a really strong advocate for journals. I have kept many different types of journals over the years. What I find beneficial … Continue reading

The Benefits of Yoga

One of the exercise components to my Wii Fit Plus is yoga. I never thought that I would really enjoy yoga but I do. I will admit that I’m not into the psychological stuff of yoga but I have found some other benefits to yoga. The two biggest things that I have noticed are my posture has improved and my balance is much better. I have never been a very coordinated person, yet I seem to be doing better in that area. Yoga has also stretched muscles in my body that haven’t been stretched in a long time making my … Continue reading

The Benefits of a Food Journal

I was recently reading about the benefits of a food journal. A food journal will give you a clear picture about your eating habits. Researchers believe that a food journal gives you a better chance at losing weight. Why? When it is all laid out before you, then you gain an understanding of what specific changes you need to make. I like journaling in general. Journaling is therapeutic for me. It is also a great way to note life’s up and down moments. I can see how a food journal would do the same. You might notice a pattern where … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: July 2008

Two of my three children are summer babies. That is, they were born in the summer and had their first months surrounded by sunshine streaming in the windows, the sound of birds chirping, and days spent wearing nothing but a diaper and a “onsie.” I made sure that they had Fourth of July outfits ready, even though one of them arrived a week after the holiday. I guess he just wasn’t interested in the parade. Do you have a summer baby, too? We had a lot of new information to share this past month, such as recall notices and new … Continue reading