Parents and the Academy Awards

You know you are a parent when… you haven’t seen a single one of the movies nominated for an Academy Award. And I am not just referring to the Best Picture nominees; I’m talking about any movie in any category. You, you, you, and me. Can you imagine taking a young child to see the mostly silent, black-and-white best flick nominee, “The Artist”? My kid would have gotten us thrown out of the theater within the first four minutes, or after the first 50 times of her asking: “Mommy, why does this movie have no sound?”–whichever came first. Last year, … Continue reading

Remembering 2010

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. The year 2010 was peppered with a slew of memorable moments both bad and good, but isn’t every year? As a parent, I saw my first born enter first grade. In 2010 my daughter overcame her fear of costumed characters, but continues to despise all things pink. In 2010 I learned the fastest way to open those flimsy plastic bags in the produce section of the supermarket is to pull the handles away from each other, though I still struggle to understand why our grocer stocks the hummus … Continue reading

The Best and Worst of 2010

While we look ahead to 2011, we should also take the time to look back on 2010 and consider some of the best and worst of the past year. Actually, anything good almost always has its downside and that is what I will be tackling in this blog. While I am a huge fan of Wii Fit Plus, video games that incorporate exercise can become a replacement for “real” exercise. My son got the Kinect for his Xbox this Christmas and I have seen him become active again, since he is stuck inside for winter. So there are real benefits … Continue reading

Sandra Bullock Adopts, Files for Divorce

It has been the best of times and the worst of times for Sandra Bullock this year. She not only got her first Academy Award nomination, but won Best Actress. She seemed on top of the world with her biker husband Jesse James by her side. But just days after her win, a cheating scandal exploded into the media and since then, multiple James mistresses have spoken out. Bullock has been in hiding for the most part, although friends like George Lopez have visited her. Now we found out that maybe she had something else on her mind other than … Continue reading

Time For A New Car

Car problems, they are the absolute worst. Especially when you know nothing about cars. Recently my car has developed quite a few problems. It was getting older and starting to break down, a lot. Since I have to be able to get to work, my car was not a luxury, it’s pretty much a necessity. As a single mother it is even more of a necessity. I need to have a vehicle I can depend on, no one wants to broken down on the side of the road with their kids. Or even scarier, not be able to pick your … Continue reading

GMAC Study Reveals Unfit Drivers

A study done by GMAC Insurance reveals that almost one out of every five American drivers is unfit. This means that for every five vehicles on the road, there is one that is being driven by a person that has little understanding about the rules of the road, or how to drive safely. This may, or may not, surprise you, depending on exactly what you have encountered while driving down the road. How many times have you had to deal with a really bad driver? I believe that everyone has had the unfortunate and frustrating experience of having to deal … Continue reading

Allstate Insurance Clarifies About Zodiac Signs

Recently, Allstate Insurance was talking about zodiac signs. It seems that what was supposed to be an amusing way to look at car insurance has led to a lot of confusion. In response, Allstate has issued a press release designed to clarify some things. My best guess is that Allstate Insurance was just trying to find an entertaining way to catch people’s attention. One of the less controversial newsworthy items of late involves the zodiac signs. There used to be twelve, but a thirteenth sign has recently been added. As a result, the birth dates that had been previously assigned … Continue reading

When the “Want” Isn’t There

In my last blog I talked about the “start again” routine that so many of us battle. We will start again on Monday, after the next holiday and the list of excuses goes on. When you get serious about fitness there is no “start again” thinking going on. Now is the time. But I also talked about how you have to want to get in shape, lose weight, eat healthier or whatever else you have purposed to change. Yet the truth is that many of us don’t. I mean, sure, on a surface level we want to but if we … Continue reading

The “Start Again” Routine

So in my last blog I talked about tossing aside the idea of setting New Year’s Resolutions for fitness. I touched a bit on how it’s something that we have to want to change. There has to be a desire inside of us to make a positive difference in our health. Here is the next thing I think is important to get into our minds. We have to stop toying with the whole “start again” routine. I have said it myself, “I will start again after this celebration or this holiday.” “I will start again next Monday.” You fill in … Continue reading

Forget the New Year’s Resolutions

I realize this may not be a very popular thing for me to say but I am starting off my first fitness blog for the year 2011 with this, forget the New Year’s Resolutions. Why? They typically don’t work. It’s like Moses and the children of Israel who wandered around in the desert for 40 years. Do we really want to keep going around and around the same old mountain? I don’t mean to make light of the changes that many of my friends are attempting to make but it is almost humorous to me the Facebook statuses that I … Continue reading