The Importance of Proper Breathing

One of the things I really enjoy about my Wii Fit Plus is that it draws my attention to aspects of fitness I might not otherwise think about, such as my posture and “Don’t forget to breathe.” I remember the first time I heard my virtual yoga instructor tell me to not forget to breathe. I thought, “Well of course, I would be dead” but there is more to it than just breathing to stay alive. What happens is that if you aren’t properly breathing while exercising, it can cause you to get an ache in your chest. Part of … Continue reading

Is Yoga Dangerous?

There is a new report out that is stirring up quite a bit of controversy. The “New York Times” featured an article this past week on the dangers of yoga. Yoga seems to be such a soothing, tranquil form of exercise. So how could something so serene be so dangerous? Well the author of the article stated that a huge amount of injuries result from yoga. This has been met with a great deal of criticism, especially from proponents of yoga who believe that it’s benefits are more than just physical, they extend into emotional and mental areas of an … Continue reading

Are Vitamins and Supplements Necessary?

Part of a fitness routine may be including vitamins and supplements, however you might be wondering if they are necessary. A good multivitamin is always beneficial. It can help make up for the vitamins and minerals that your body is missing out on and help contribute to your overall wellbeing. In case you didn’t know, there are 13 essential vitamins that can significantly help. They include vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, B12 and 7-B complex vitamins. If you eat a proper, healthy diet you can get most of these essential vitamins from it. However if you are lacking … Continue reading

Benefits of Weight Lifting

There are a number of benefits to weight lifting that you might want to implement into your fitness routine. However I also strongly urge you to first make sure that you have established some cardio into your routine first. Making the transition from cardio to weight training might be a challenge but there is no reason that you can’t have a little of both. You might break up your routine with 15 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of weight lifting. It’s really all up to you. One of the things you will notice right off the bat with weight … Continue reading