Importance of a Safety Net

If you are a tight rope walker you know how important a safety net is, but everyone needs a safety net, not just circus performers. I’ve read time and again that everyone should have $500 in an emergency account. In the grand scheme of things $500 isn’t a lot of money, but when you are living paycheck to paycheck the amount may seem unreachable. I’ve learned lately how important that $500 is and how much it’s saved me in the long run. First, my dog needed surgery, it was $800 but that $500 sitting in the savings account sure helped … Continue reading

The Importance of Proper Breathing

One of the things I really enjoy about my Wii Fit Plus is that it draws my attention to aspects of fitness I might not otherwise think about, such as my posture and “Don’t forget to breathe.” I remember the first time I heard my virtual yoga instructor tell me to not forget to breathe. I thought, “Well of course, I would be dead” but there is more to it than just breathing to stay alive. What happens is that if you aren’t properly breathing while exercising, it can cause you to get an ache in your chest. Part of … Continue reading

The Importance of Stretching

I have to admit that stretching is not something I do on a regular basis. I am usually in a rush and just want to get my workout routine done, so I tend to skip the stretching. Believe me when I say that I am preaching to myself here, as I talk about the importance of stretching. Not only is it important to stretch before you exercise but it is important that you stretch afterwards. Just taking an additional 10 minutes, five before and five after is all you need. What is 10 minutes of your day? In case you … Continue reading

The Importance of Bending and Stretching

Many people shirk the fact that bending and stretching should be performed at the beginning of any exercise. It should also be done at the end of each session of any type of physical fitness. Some people just want to get their exercise “in” for the day and basically they rush through the movements of it. Bending and stretching helps you to perform your exercise routine more easily and with greater flexibility. It prepares our bodies, particularly our joints, for what is about to take place. When we are flexible it promotes good posture and balance. It also helps to … Continue reading

Don’t Forget to Stretch!

In a rush to get on with my day, I used to always skip stretching exercises. I just wanted to get in my routine and move on. These days I always make sure that I stretch. Perhaps it’s my age that has awakened me to the necessity of it. But whatever the reason, I have come to see the importance of it. As you age, so do your joints, which in turn affect your flexibility. Stretching can help improve your range of motion. It can make movement easier. Stretching is also important because it reduces the risk of being injured … Continue reading

Yoga Boosts Energy and Reduces Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors

In my last Fitness blog I addressed the issue of yoga being a potentially dangerous form of fitness. Not that I believe yoga in itself is dangerous but I do agree that doing it wrong could lead to injuries. Well now we are going to consider the flipside of yoga, a health benefit recently discovered in a small study. I read an article in “Reuters Health” that talked about survivors of breast cancer benefiting from yoga. Apparently fatigue can become a lifelong casualty for a surviving breast cancer patient. Many don’t understand why this continues to be a problem, but … Continue reading

Is Yoga Dangerous?

There is a new report out that is stirring up quite a bit of controversy. The “New York Times” featured an article this past week on the dangers of yoga. Yoga seems to be such a soothing, tranquil form of exercise. So how could something so serene be so dangerous? Well the author of the article stated that a huge amount of injuries result from yoga. This has been met with a great deal of criticism, especially from proponents of yoga who believe that it’s benefits are more than just physical, they extend into emotional and mental areas of an … Continue reading

The Benefits of Flexibility Exercises

In my last blog I talked about the benefits of cardio, something I have recently incorporated more of into my fitness routine. Despite wanting to spend more of my fitness regimen doing cardio (with my biggest goal right now being to lose weight), I know that I also need flexibility exercises. Flexibility exercises have many benefits. Perhaps you are like me when it’s time to stretch. You sit down on your bottom, stretch your legs out in front of you and attempt to reach your toes. Notice the word “attempt.” I can’t do that…yet. But with flexibility exercises, my body … Continue reading

Family Fitness with Your Preteens and Teens

In this blog I am going to be talking about family fitness with your preteens and teens. This is definitely a whole new ball game, since engaging with this age group can be more of a challenge. The reality is that preteens and teens would rather be hanging out with their friends, but don’t take it personally. We just have to really instill in our children the importance of maintaining good family relations and spending time together. What better way to do this than bringing in some type of exercise? You don’t even have to tell your children that this … Continue reading

Try Tae Bo Sometime!

Tae Bo is a cardio kickboxing workout that really took off in the 90s. The founder, Billy Blanks, takes you through cardio workouts consisting of punches, kicks, and other kickboxing inspired moves. As a teenager in the 90s I would do the workout tapes a couple times a week. Later on I upgraded to DVDs and the workouts got harder. Most workouts are thirty to sixty minutes, and there are also some shorter power workouts. More recent additions to the collection include a boot camp workout, abs workout, and a cardio sculpting workout. the workouts include a warm-up to get … Continue reading