Thinking Away the Pounds: A Study of 84 Housekeepers

According to a study conducted by Harvard University psychologist Ellen Langer and her student Alia Crum, perceiving you’re getting enough exercise may help you to lose weight. The results of the study show that it is possible to think your way to a healthier body while you get those daily chores done. Eighty-four housekeepers from seven Boston hotels participated in Langer’s study. The women were between the ages of 18-55 years old. They were divided into two groups. Women from four of the hotels were told they were getting adequate exercise by performing their daily work. The women in the … Continue reading

Brain Fitness: Did You Do Your Mental Aerobics Today?

One of my personal resolutions this year was to get my mind back into creative shape. You may think I do this everyday with the writing I provide here in the fitness blog and elsewhere, but like an athlete who gave up equestrian sports to become an endurance walker – both keep me mentally fit, but each challenges a different set of muscles. My Resolution I know that regular exercise performed every day helps to keep me physically active and fit. But I also know that regular exercise can help increase my cognitive abilities and function. I know that daily … Continue reading

Brain Fitness – Defensive Pessimism

I ran across the phrase defensive pessimism in a magazine recently and as I read the description of it, I found myself staring at it and being amazed. You see, because the description I read – was myself to a tee. When confronted with a crisis, we often talk about looking at the worst possible outcome. In defensive pessimism, you take looking at the worst possible outcome a step further. You examine every detail of what could go wrong and how you would in turn respond to it. Two weeks ago, my husband went into the hospital in extreme pain … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog: Week in Review – Sept 23-29

Fitness Blog’s: The Week in Review Sept 23-29 It’s been a terrifically busy week here in the Fitness blog and you’d think after 10 months of talking about fitness, I’d be tired of it, but I’m far from that date. We’re winding September down and we’re heading into October. Be sure to check out the September End of the Month Fitness Goal Check today and be back here tomorrow to start our run on October fitness. We’re going to talk a lot about Women’s Fitness in October in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In the meanwhile, here’s a review … Continue reading

The Power of Positive Fitness Thinking

If you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, but focus only on the negative aspects (such as negative self-talk) your brain is going to have problems too. There are exceptions to every ‘average’ endorsement. Right wrong or indifferent, the point of exercising, eating healthy and living a fit lifestyle are good for people no matter where they fall on the exception chain. Holistic medicine invokes the use of positive and powerful thinking alongside physical treatment. Current research supports that exercise and nutrition keep our brains fit. The power of positive thinking is that you can improve your mood, strengthen … Continue reading

The Power of Positive Thinking – Make it Work for You

The first time I ever heard the words that positive thinking can get you anywhere, I had to laugh. Seriously, how can positive thinking overcome financial setbacks? How can positive thinking improve your exercise routines? How can positive thinking make a diet more bearable? How can positive thinking do anything? Well, it’s not just the positive thinking – it’s the positive dialogue you maintain with yourself through the most trying of times. I’d like to take a moment to share a personal story with you. Several years ago, I made a few errors in judgment and found myself living in … Continue reading

Will I Ever Look Like That?

It is funny how the mind works. For some who are not happy with their appearance they figure they will never change so why bother trying. Other people say to themselves, “Yes, I can do it!” It is all about motivation and positive thinking. The mind is a powerful tool that we can use either to our advantage or to our disadvantage. By putting forth positive thought we are more inclined to try harder and not give up. You have to be in the right frame of mind to be successful in your attempts to lose weight. Negative thoughts will … Continue reading

Growing Love

As I wrote in another blog the other day, I don’t know if it’s the season or what but I’m more in love with Wayne than ever. Which feels really nice considering earlier this year we were facing a marriage crisis. This morning I told him, “I don’t know how it’s possible that after 20 something years my love for you just keeps getting stronger, but it does.” I’ve sort of been thinking about that for the rest of the day so far. And since it’s so much on my mind, I figured that’d make something good to write about … Continue reading

Longevity And Your State of Mind

Nature seems to reward those who love life and are optimistic. Studies from the Yale University indicate that people who are optimistic in middle age tend to live seven years (or more) longer than those who only look on the down side. Why? Researchers from the University of Kentucky think it’s the stress factor. Optimists do get stressed, but they also tend to turn it around quickly and get back to a positive state of mind. So how do you become an optimist if you aren’t one already? There are four habits you can adopt that can make a big … Continue reading

10 Reasons to Consider Partner Training

What is partner training? If you’re thinking that it means you and your co-worker, you and your neighbor or just you and a friend working out together every day, you’d be close. Partner training is a system of checks and balances where you both provide and receive validation of your exercise program and someone to keep you on your toes and performing it. There are a lot of good reasons to partner train and we’re going to talk about the 10 best reasons. 10. Partner training doesn’t usually involve financial investment. You can power walk together every day, you can … Continue reading