10 Reasons Why We Chose a Midwife

My quest for a midwife was largely motivated by my dislike of shots, needles, drugs, and hospitals. After reading a large number of books and several articles comparing and contrasting birthing options, the benefits of using a midwife for the pregnancy and birth of our son was undeniable and 100% desirable. Here are our top ten reasons for choosing a midwife in no particular order: Reason Number One — More Control: Instead of being a passive participant with things happening to me, I was actively seeking to ensure the best possible outcome for both pregnancy and birth. The midwives supported … Continue reading

Top 10 Fitness Tips

So you are on your way to a fit lifestyle, so how about some fitness tips to keep you moving? Here are top 10 fitness tips that will give you a better chance at succeeding. Tip number one is to make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water is something we should be implementing into our exercise routine. Drinking water before, during and after a workout will help keep you hydrated. Tip number two is to change up your routine. If you don’t put some variety into your fitness routine you will find yourself becoming bored and possibly unmotivated. … Continue reading

Walking Across the USA

A survey from the American Podiatric Medical Association looked at five hundred cities around the United States and ranked them based on walkability. The researchers looked for things like green spaces for walking, what percentage of the population walks to work, how safe the streets are, and more. Here are some of the winners! I’m pleased to see my own new home of Portland, Oregon made the list, thanks to the efforts of the community to make the town more walkable. Other towns that are working to improve walkability include Trenton, NJ, Denver, CO, and Kansas City, MO. There are … Continue reading

Top Reasons to Visit Branson, Missouri

I’ve traveled to Missouri dozens of times (in college I dated a guy who attended Drury University) and while I’ve visited some of the “Show Me State’s” most popular attractions I was still a bit taken aback by a recent statistic that made headlines regarding Branson, Missouri. The family-friendly Ozark resort town, which is known for its country music roots, attracted more than 8 million visitors to the area last year alone. So what’s the draw? I’ve compiled this list of reasons why people from around the world are putting Branson at the top of their must-visit lists: Affordable. Branson … Continue reading

Why I Love My Laptop

Are laptops absolutely necessary? Probably not, unless you are me. When I received a laptop a couple of years ago, my whole world changed. I became less stressed, grew three inches taller, lost 20 pounds and developed sparkling white teeth. Well, maybe not, but I did grow less stressed. Getting a laptop is a definite choice to be made. Laptops are generally more expensive than desktops and may have some limitations in terms of power and capabilities. They also tend to become appendages, never far from their owner. I know one full time employee of the corporate world who got … Continue reading

Stop Smoking: Exercise Can Help

I made a confession earlier – today I took the first step in stopping smoking. I am not lighting a cigarette. I am cleaning out the ashtray. I am dismantling my ‘smoking area’ where I go to smoke. I am changing habits formed over 20 years of addiction in order to break that addiction and put myself in the non-smoking section of the restaurant. Exercise Can Help When you are trying to quit smoking, it can be incredibly hard and not just because of the withdrawal symptoms and the changes in daily habits, the rise in stress levels, but also … Continue reading

Ramp Up: Burn More Calories In the Same Amount of Time

In Women’s Fitness: Fast, Fit & Fulfilling, I told you about the fitness regimen prescribed by Raphael Calzadilla of eDiets.com. In that same vein, let’s talk about ramping up the intensity of your walking program in order to maximize your caloric burn in the same amount of time you spend walking now. The busier we are, the more we look for ways to improve our fitness options. This is a potential option for you if you enjoy walking outdoors or in. My preference as stated here several times is for the treadmill that I use to work out and catch … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Motivators – Five Ways to Motivate Your Success

Do you need some motivation in your fitness goals? Do you need some ways to get you going? Are you looking for a way to keep you from skipping your workout? Are you looking for a way to not only get you to your workout, but also to make you grin as you eagerly look forward to it? Here are five ways to motivate your success: Buy New Fitness Gear – Seriously, buying new fitness gear can inspire you to enjoy your workout whether it’s a jazzy colored top or more comfortable workout pants or even fun workout shoes! Hire … Continue reading

When Heroes Walked the Streets of New York

Today is the fifth anniversary of September 11th. Around this time of year, I like to watch documentaries about the events for a couple of reasons. One is so I don’t forget. When the World Trade Center towers fell, I honestly thought I would never be happy again, never smile again. Of course, that wasn’t the case. Two years ago, I had the sweetest baby in the world who makes me smile almost constantly. But I still feel the need to remember those who lost their lives on Sept 11th for no reason other than being at the wrong place, … Continue reading

Walking – Is it better to do it incrementally or all in one go?

We talk a lot about walking here in the Fitness blog – probably because it is one of my favorite activities. I walk every day, rain or shine, sickness or health, richer or poorer and whether I do it inside or out. I like walking. It seems hard to believe that anyone wouldn’t like walking. After all, our children spend months trying to master their own mobility and learning to walk, so why shouldn’t we still strive to match that singular enthusiasm we had for the activity when we were children? The question today is it better to do all … Continue reading