Tracking Physical Activity

There are all sorts of gadgets out there which help in tracking your physical activity. Bands you can wear on your wrists and apps on your phone are just some of them. Of course, you can always do it the old-fashioned way, with a notebook and pen. No matter which method you choose, there are some real benefits to keeping track. First, it helps you to put together a plan that works best for you. After you have tracked your activity levels, you can usually get a good feel for the time of day in which you might be more … Continue reading

Get Up and Get Moving

In the world of fitness and health, there is a lot of talk about the need to remain physically active.  So you might think that as long as you’re getting in half an hour of exercise everyday, physical activity levels are being met. Not so fast.  There may be more to it than this.  In fact, a new study looks at women in particular and finds that despite exercising; too much sitting doesn’t reduce the risk of certain health conditions.  In other words, you are no better off in lowering the chance of diabetes, premature death, obesity and cardiovascular diseases. … Continue reading

Fitness Is a Journey

Fitness isn’t a one time deal. You don’t try it one day and suddenly develop a habit or lifestyle of fitness. Rather, fitness is more like a journey. Think about journeys you have taken in life. First, consider a literal journey you have gone on. It usually consists of a lot work preparing for it. You have to plan, prepare and pack. By the time you are done, you are almost wiped out. Fitness tends to start off this way. You plan what you will do, you try and prepare your body and you pack on some exercises…only to find … Continue reading

The Idiot Box & Fitness

In the February issue of Pediatrics a magazine, a study was published that may actually surprise you – it certainly surprised me. It states that if your teenager or child is not getting enough exercise – the blame does not lay with the idiot box or television. In fact, the study also revealed that there was no relationship between the amounts of time a teenager spent watching television and their level of physical activity. While this may fly in the face of conventional thinking because we tend to think of the television as leading to couch potatoes and the couch … Continue reading

ADHD and Medication: Finding the Right Dose

If your child is on stimulant therapy for ADHD, finding the right dose can be difficult. Every child is an individual who will respond physically and mentally to medication in different ways. Even when a dosage has been working well for some time, it will likely need to be adjusted as your child grows and develops. The difference between the correct dose and an incorrect one can make all the difference in your child’s outlook. Finding a dose that will benefit your child requires a triangular partnership between you as the parent, your child’s pediatrician, and your child’s teacher. What … Continue reading