Exercise Clothing

Have you ever given much thought to what you wear when you workout? I have a confession to make about my exercise gear. For the longest time I would workout in my pajamas. It just seemed easier to stay in them since it was the morning, get in my workout and then take a shower and get dressed for the day. Although they were comfortable (which is important when choosing clothing to exercise in), it wasn’t really workable. Take for instance my pajama bottoms which were a bit too loose. Or the longer pants that I would step on. But … Continue reading

Underneath It All: What to Wear Underneath Your Exercise Outfit

When you made the decision to establish an exercise routine for yourself you probably gave a great deal of thought as to just how you were going to go about it. You might have decided on an exercise plan that involved some type of exercise equipment. You may have contemplated using some kind of exercising DVDs to use in your workout. You may have even decided to venture out to a gym and purchased a gym membership. If you were going to be working out at home you probably did not give much thought as to what you would be … Continue reading