I Want to Know How to Get Conditioned

Welcome to Monday morning and to the next installment in our I Want to Know series. Mondays are hard days for me, at least lately, with my amount of time spent subbing increasing, I have to be more creative about getting my exercise in along with my writing and time with my daughter. A couple of weeks ago, I asked and you answered. Several of you wanted to know how to get in better condition whether it was just to tone up or to trim down. Exercise is a great way to get the body in shape, the mind sharper … Continue reading

Dear Fitness Readers

Hey there, do you have a minute? I want to talk to you a sec about all the crazy running we do. Recently, I was talking to a friend of mine and she told me – emphatically – that I needed to take a three-day weekend and just shut it all down. I can’t say she’s wrong, I need a break and I’m already planning to take one the week of Thanksgiving, but that’s four and a half loooooong weeks away. So until then – here are some suggestions for distressing that I plan to put into practice myself: Meditation … Continue reading

Why Do Men Never Remember; Women Never Forget

Have you heard of this book: Why Men Never Remember; Women Never Forget? This is a great book by a woman named Marianne J Legato. Legato addresses a biological and fundamental differences between men and women. Interestingly enough, she cites more than just our differences in upbringing, but the actual anatomical differences between men and women in our brains. The fact is that men and women react to stress differently – women have more connections between their amygdala – the portion of the brain that writes memories and the rest of their brain. They can associate and actively write their … Continue reading

Understanding Your Blood Pressure & Heart Rate

There are always blood pressure and heart questions on any questionnaire related to your health with regard to fitness. These are key questions because your heart and blood pressure are going to be affected by any exercise that you do. So let’s talk a little bit about what they are and what they are measuring so you can understand how they affect you when it comes to doing your workout. Blood Pressure Your blood pressure is the measurement of how open your blood vessels are. When your blood pressure is low it means your heart doesn’t have to work very … Continue reading