10 Fall Fitness Tips

The color of the leaves show me that the fall season is alive and well. But so are we, and we should take full advantage of that. One fall fitness tip that I have is to take advantage of the weather. This is the perfect time of the year for walking or cycling. Park trails and hiking areas allow for not only physical activity but beautiful scenery. A second fall fitness tip is to look into signing up for a Zumba or aerobics class. Or try something adventurous like a dance class. A third fall fitness tip is to involve … Continue reading

The Power of Walking

Earlier this month I read a report from the “Centers of Disease Control and Prevention” (CDC) that compared to five years ago, more people have taken up walking. It is one of the most popular forms of exercise. It really isn’t a surprise. After all, it’s free and a form of exercise that virtually anyone can enjoy. While this is good news, the CDC also says that not enough Americans are meeting federal guidelines when it comes to exercise. In fact, almost a third of the population remains inactive. What are the federal guidelines? They are at least two-and-a-half hours … Continue reading

Beginners in Fitness

For many people, this is the time of year when they start thinking about getting ready for the warmer months. The thought of starting a fitness routine may be in your mind but it could be that you don’t know where to begin. With so many different types of exercise and a variety of formats to choose from, it can be confusing to get started. It may even lead to some feeling so overwhelmed that they never move forward. Let’s be clear on one thing…if you are a beginner, you shouldn’t try to incorporate intense exercise into your fitness plan. … Continue reading

5 Spring Fitness Tips

It is not officially spring yet, but depending on where you live it is definitely in the air in some places. But even if you are still dealing with the last remnants of winter, its time to start thinking about the warmer months soon coming. Following are 5 spring fitness tips to get you started. The first tip is to invest in some good footwear. Don’t skimp on quality just to save a few bucks. You could end up injuring yourself if you don’t wear the right kind of footwear. You can find virtually every category of footwear available, from … Continue reading

Staying Active Despite Your Desk Job

If there is one detriment to maintaining an active lifestyle it is a desk job. Some people, me included, spend hours sitting in a chair staring at a computer screen. Apparently there are some offices who have found a way to work around this; workstations that fit over treadmills. What a great idea. The original concept of this came from a man who suffered a leg injury in 2008. Up until then he had been active. So he came up with what is called the “TrekDesk.” He was able to continue working, walk off 26 pounds, get better sleep and … Continue reading

Canine Aggression Linked to Leash Walking

Dog aggression is both dangerous and frustrating. It can sometimes be hard to determine why a dog suddenly starts being aggressive, and what to do to curb that behavior. MSN Today has an intriguing story on a new report that suggests one possible cause behind dog-on-dog aggression: dog walking. At first I’m sure that assertion made as little sense to you as it did to me: in my experience dogs that never get exercise are much more likely to be aggressive, because all of that energy has to go somewhere. How can dog walking possibly be a cause for aggression? … Continue reading

When a Chronic Condition Interrupts Your Fitness Routine

It is so frustrating to have a good fitness routine going, only to see it crumble because of sickness. I have been battling a severe flair-up of costochondritis for about two weeks now. The inflammation and pain have prevented me from doing any form of exercise, let alone light housework, without exacerbating the problem. I have also had to come to the realization that I likely suffer from a chronic form of it, so this won’t be the last time my life is interrupted. I guess it helps me to somewhat understand what others go through who have conditions like … Continue reading

Striiv Brings Gaming and Fitness Together

There is a new device that is said to take what Wii Fit does in your home, and turn into something motivating and useful when you are outside the home. It is called Striiv, a portable device that can measure your movements and provide you with rewards based on your level of activity. The cost will be $99. Similar to a pedometer, it can track your steps. But you can also set goals and play games with friends. It is taking the world of gaming (including social gaming) to a whole different level. The hope is to reach those who … Continue reading

Top 10 Cheapest Fitness Equipment

Sometimes people who are ready to engage in or are thinking about fitness believe that they have to spend a lot of money. We tend to think that those who get the most benefit out of a fitness program are those who join a gym. But that isn’t necessarily true. You really can get fit using very cheap equipment. Here we are going to take a look at the top 10 cheapest fitness equipment that will get you on your way to a fit lifestyle. The first cheap fitness equipment is shoes. Why shoes? Well you certainly could spend a … Continue reading

Children’s Fitness in Winter

Winter is in full swing and so that makes for indoor recess a lot of times with my children. When they come home, the first thing they want to do is turn on the television or sit in front of a computer or video game. Oh how I miss those carefree days of summer when they were constantly outside riding bikes, jumping on the trampoline or taking a swim. Even in fall and spring they were outside running around. But now we are stuck inside and they are losing the motivation to do anything physical. Since I started my treadmill … Continue reading