When Your Child Doesn’t Want to go to Preschool

Your child has been happily attending preschool for a while now. He or she always comes home with a smile and a story about something fun that happened that day. Now, suddenly, your child has started to resist going to preschool. What happened? Here is a quick checklist for parents who are baffled by their child’s declaration of “I don’t want to go to preschool!” Keep in mind that it is totally normal for a child to decided that he or she no longer wants to attend preschool. There are days when you don’t particularly want to go to work, … Continue reading

Governor of Nebraska Doesn’t Want to Comply With ACA

The Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act. Many state Governors were waiting to see what the court would decide about the ACA before they began work on their exchanges. The Governor of Nebraska, Dave Heineman, now wants to wait to see how the Presidential election turns out. It has been very interesting to see how people are reacting to the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act. Some people are celebrating, others are depressed, and still others have mixed feelings about it. No matter what your personal opinion about it happens to be, it is, officially, the … Continue reading

Get Your Motor Running

With experts estimating that a single gallon of regular unleaded gas will top $5 by Memorial Day weekend, many travelers are looking for ways to hit the road without breaking the bank. One group in particular is looking at the sky-high gas prices as a way to promote their passion. Motorcycle enthusiasts are revving up to make this spring and summer hog heaven for newbies. Around the country, motorcycle dealerships are offering open houses for people to get up close and personal with blinged out bikes that can get you to and from your favorite vacation destination without draining your … Continue reading

The Official Bloggers of RootsTech 2012

Are you unable to attend RootsTech this year? It is the biggest genealogy conference of the year, and there will be some genealogists who really wanted to go but could not travel to Utah due to work, finances, or health issues. Those of you at home can follow along by paying attention to some of the Official Bloggers of RootsTech 2012. What does it mean to have been designated an Official Blogger of RootsTech 2012? As far as I can tell, this is something that is considered to be an honor. These bloggers will be attending RootsTech 2012, which means … Continue reading

Home Businesses with Low Start Up Costs

Starting a home business can be present itself with large start up costs. However, in today’s economy people are looking for ways to make extra money or replace a job loss with a home business. In that case, you most likely do not have funds lying around to get you out of the gate. Listed are some businesses that have little start up costs. If these are not your cup of tea consider starting one you are capable of to fund the small business you are dreaming of. Cleaning Business: If you have a good vacuum you can start a … Continue reading

Running Away, or Running Toward?

My parents divorced after twenty-six years. It threw our family into a tailspin, but after the dust settled and we started to look at patterns and how it all could have come about, we identified many contributing factors. I’d like to share some of those factors with you. My mother was raised in an abusive home. She left for a time to go to college, but she knew that marriage was the only way she’d be able to leave permanently. My father was raised with the expectation that he was to get married, but without a more clear goal, such … Continue reading

Want to Run a 5k?

Want to run a 5K? Not that long ago, about two or so years, I wanted to do something I had not done before- run a 5k! I had some friends who have done them recently and my mom did some races when I was a kid. Running a timed course seemed like a great experience and a rewarding one too. To get started on a jogging program, I did some research online. I looked into what shoes to wear, where I could jog nearby, what to eat or not to eat before and after you run, and other tips. … Continue reading

How To Start A Mommy Blog

An easy way to share your pregnancy with friends and family is to start a blog. You don’t have to be a professional writer or web design expert. If you can write an email, you can definitely write a blog. Follow these steps to have your blog up and running in no time. 1. Open a free account on a blog hosting site like Blogger or WordPress. Some blog sites offer premium plans, but don’t feel like you have to buy anything. Free plans still allow you to customize the look of your blog and include pictures in your posts. … Continue reading

Running Your First Marathon?

If you have been running for some time and are contemplating taking it a step further prepare your body first. Running in a first-time marathon is major. It is major exciting and major challenging. Like most beginning marathon runners you probably like both of those ideas, excitement and challenge. It is a thrill to be out there for the first time with a bunch of other runners. You are hoping to win, of course, but that is not the most important thing in mind. We all want to win, but even more you want to prove it to yourself that … Continue reading

So Your Child Wants to Stay Home Alone—Part 2

I remember the first time my parents allowed me to stay home alone… it wasn’t exactly a momentous occasion considering my grandparents lived within walking distance of our house. Of course, a lot has changed since the early 80s, and now I can’t see allowing my daughter to remain home unsupervised until at least her 30th birthday. Jokes aside, if you successfully answered all of the questions I posed in my previous blog and feel confident that your child is ready to fend for himself, then consider the following tips offered by childcare experts to make his first solo venture … Continue reading