Simple Ways to Preserve Easter Memories

Pretty Easter dresses, bonnets, bunnies and flowers. These are just some of the many holiday images you likely gathered today. Now that Easter is just about over, the next step is to start figuring out how to display all the memories you captured. For starters, review all of the Easter-related photos you snapped. Then, ask yourself if you have enough to create a comprehensive layout. If not, you might consider adding a few spring-themed images, such as daffodils, Easter baskets, baby birds, a cross or some fluffy chicks. These generic spring subjects can help supplement traditional Easter shots taken of … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Food Journal

The first time I ever kept a food journal was when I was trying to lose the weight I had gained with my first baby. As I competed in a nine week “Biggest Loser” challenge at the school were I taught, I found the food journal to be an essential tool in my weekly success (I ended up winning the competition too). I started keeping a food journal again just before I became pregnant the second time. My husband and I were trying to get pregnant again and I wanted to make sure I was eating as healthy as possible … Continue reading

What I Like About the 2005 Food Pyramid

You may remember that six years ago the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) came out with a new and improved food pyramid. Growing up I distinctly remember the old food pyramid (originating in 1992) because it was often found on the back of my cereal boxes. I pretty much had it memorized. It was a big deal to me when the food pyramid was updated in 2005 because I was a health science student at the time and a change like that was not only needed but a big deal. Visually the pyramid changed from having categories organized horizontally to … Continue reading

Ways To Food Journal

Keeping a food journal is something you might want to do for different reasons. Some people want to keep a close watch on how many calories, fat, or carbohydrates they are consuming. Others might want to just see in list form all the food they are eating. Whatever your reason might be, keeping a food journal can be a key tool in your quest to be healthy and fit. Lately I have been keeping a food journal and have reflected on the various ways to keep one. I have tried to do this several times in the past, and it … Continue reading

Why I’m Blogging My Health

I’ve talked about “liveblogging” your health: writing openly and publicly about your health issues as they happen (or as close to “live” as possible). A writer friend of mine blogs his experiences with cancer — the good, the bad, and the ugly, no holds barred. Former Pets Blogger Courtney Mroch wrote very openly about her experiences with her cancerous “hitchhiker”. One advantage of liveblogging a health issue — or other important goings on in your life — is that lots of people can get the news quickly and easily. They can stay up to day with your progress without you … Continue reading

Confessions of a Foodie Mom: The Good Mood Diet Review

The Good Mood Diet, by Susan Kleiner, is a book this “Foodie” mom has found helpful. Kleiner is a registered dietitican experienced in working with both weight loss groups (which included people with chronic illnesses) and also professional- and Olympic-caliber athletes. The jacket blurb says: “One day to feeling better than yesterday; one week to erasing depression ; one month to lasting weight loss!” Normally such hyperbolic statements make me avoid a book, but incredibly I found the first two statements fairly true—I was in a much better mood with much higher energy after several days following Kleiner’s advice. (I … Continue reading

Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving with Your Spouse

How do you normally celebrate Thanksgiving? Do you stuff yourself on the traditional turkey fare? Once stuffed, do you then collapse in front of the TV to half nap, half watch football? Do you rush between houses to see all branches of the family tree? Or does your whole family gather in one place and play games, like perhaps a friendly match of touch football? Last year Wayne and I went to Denver, where our families both live, and caught up with everyone. That was a big deal for us, because most years we’re pretty low key. Either we get … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: October 2008

If you had an October baby, congratulations! I hope that you will spend some time with us here at, as we bring you the latest news and tips for you and your family. Here is the Baby Blog month in review for October. October 1st Insect Repellent and Young Children Protecting my children is the number one priority, but one thing that I tend to avoid is insect repellent. I figure that putting additional chemicals on my kids is not the best idea, that is until now. These days, a mosquito bite is not just an annoyance, but it … Continue reading

Keeping a Workout Journal

When I first started a workout routine that included weightlifting and running (nearly 20 years ago) I kept a journal to keep track of what exercises I was supposed to do on a particular day. After a while my routine became second nature and I stopped journaling. Recently, though, I’ve been hearing more and more trainers recommend that athletes continue keeping a workout diary regardless of whether or not they have memorized a set routine. The reason: Keeping a journal helps you recognize improvements. For example, if you started a training program that includes running you would track the number … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: August 2008

Isn’t it crazy the way babies grow so quickly? It seems that you just get used to one stage and boom they are already into another. Tonight, were busy getting the household all set for my eldest child’s first day of second grade. My two younger ones are excited and want to start school, too. It will be a busy month. Don’t worry about the missing last week of blogs. I’ve gotten quite a few questions about where I have been. The Baby Blog tends to go on hiatus the last week of the month. That may change in the … Continue reading