Inspiration through Motivational Quotes

Are you inspired by motivational quotes? I have been known to post scripture verses or motivational words around my house. I put them in places that my family and I will see most frequently (mirror, refrigerator, my desk, dashboard in the car, etc.). By getting these encouraging words into your heart and thought processes, it can push you to move forward. It can inspire you to not give up. Sometimes we need a little kick in the pants to help us press on. So by filling your mind with motivational words, you may be able to get where you never … Continue reading

Weight for these Quotes: Food for Thought

It’s sometimes nice to know we’re not the only ones who are obsessing about weight or fitness issues: I was once on a diet for two weeks running. All I lost was two weeks – George Foreman The Alimentary canal is thirty-two feet long You control only the first three inches of it. Control it well. – Kin Hubbard I bought a talking refrigerator that said Oink ever time I opened the door. It made me hungry for pork chops –Marie Matt When we lose twenty pounds, we may be losing that twenty best pounds we have! We may be … Continue reading

Will I Ever Look Like That?

It is funny how the mind works. For some who are not happy with their appearance they figure they will never change so why bother trying. Other people say to themselves, “Yes, I can do it!” It is all about motivation and positive thinking. The mind is a powerful tool that we can use either to our advantage or to our disadvantage. By putting forth positive thought we are more inclined to try harder and not give up. You have to be in the right frame of mind to be successful in your attempts to lose weight. Negative thoughts will … Continue reading

Calories Burned: Did You Know?

Did you know that in everything that we do we are burning calories? Yes, that is right. Even the little insignificant movements that we make or even just sitting still, we burn calories. We have been given amazing bodies. Our bodies work in a way that even when we are doing nothing, we are doing something. Our bodies never stop working. Of course, the more active that we are physically, the more calories we will burn. Just in case you were not aware here are some examples of just how many calories are burned in 30 minutes during the everyday … Continue reading

Momma’s on a Diet: Same Diet – Different Motivation

For my marathon weight loss saga, I’m going to be following the point system at Weight Watchers. What can I say? Been there, done that previously – didn’t buy the t-shirt but have the gadgets and books to ensure that I’m going to be successful! Ahem! Ok, scratch that bit of negativity. I will be successful. Why? Because I’m motivated this time. In the past my motivation to lose weight has always been sketchy at best. Usually it had a lot to do with other people and their opinions, and nothing whatsoever to do with me. This time, it’s about … Continue reading

The Fitness Week in Review, October 14-20

Good morning and Happy Saturday to you. We covered a lot of ground this week in the Fitness blog and whether we were talking about workout programs and trends or losing weight at your desk, we’ve been tackling a lot of topics. The temperatures are continuing to drop and several areas saw their first snow this week, so look forward to some snow based sports information and working out in frigid conditions. Sunday, October 15 In Budokon or Pogo Bootcamp? What’s around the next creative corner? We talked about all the changes in the fitness industry that are taking place … Continue reading