Exercise Can Improve Your Ability to Parent

Everyone knows that getting regular exercise is important. Exercise helps you lose weight, tone muscle, and stay healthy. Did you know that exercise can actually improve your ability to parent your children? This revelation could give parents a whole new reason to start exercising. Stasia Bliss wrote an article at Liberty Voice about the many ways that exercise improves parenting. She notes that when you are exercising you are nourishing yourself. Personally, I see what she is suggesting as “me time”. When you are exercising, your entire focus is on yourself and what your body is doing. It is a … Continue reading

Give Yourself the Gift of Fitness

I love to give gifts, especially to my children.  Although it’s not as fun anymore, now that they prefer money or gift cards. In this season of giving, it’s important to remember our own needs.  Not necessarily the material ones but our health.  So how about giving yourself the gift of fitness? Maybe you are the person who has never been very active.  It could be that you don’t even really struggle with your weight, so what’s the point. Too often we look at exercise as a way to lose weight or tone up.  But it’s good for your heart … Continue reading

Inexpensive Exercise

One of my biggest complaints, when it comes to fitness, is how expensive it can be to eat healthy. I find it frustrating when healthier choices require more out of your pocketbook. As challenging as this can sometimes be, we can at least take advantage of inexpensive exercise. In fact, some of it is downright free. Pretty soon we will be heading into the holidays where a few pounds might get put on. Then we will be seeing advertisements on television for gym memberships. This will be your opportunity to take off the extra weight and start the New Year … Continue reading

Fitness Doldrums

Fitness doldrums…they are likely to hit anyone who engages in an exercise program for any length of time. They can hit you early on or not until later. But they are a common reason for people to lose motivation. You lost your zest, your energy. It becomes boring and monotonous. You start to wonder if it’s really making any difference. One of the common reasons for fitness doldrums to hit is because you have reached your plateau. You can only go up but you choose to remain where you are. Perhaps it’s just a matter of challenging yourself? You walk … Continue reading

All You Need Is 30 Minutes a Day

When it comes to exercise, is more of it better? You may sometimes question whether or not the recommended 30 minutes a day of exercise is beneficial. I know a few people who don’t believe this because they don’t feel satisfied unless they have gotten in 45 to 60 minutes of exercise. For some reason, the 30 minutes can feel like it’s not enough. Well, a small study says differently. Whether you exercise for 30 or 60 minutes a day, you end up losing the same amount of weight. I think it’s the mindset that if you work out more, … Continue reading

What Does F.I.T.N.E.S.S. Stand For?

What does F.I.T.N.E.S.S. stand for? “F” stands for functional intensity training (FIT). This is a combination of cardio and weight training. You receive a more well-rounded approach to exercise when you incorporate both. “I” stands for intense. You have to be intense about exercise if you truly want to succeed. Without it, you are going to quickly lose your motivation. “T” stands for try. You need to try new things. If you stick to the same old routine or the same old exercises, you will get bored. Be adventurous. Here are some ideas to help you out: yoga, circuit training, … Continue reading

What Does the UN’s CRPD Actually Say?

Republican politician Rick Santorum posted on his blog that he was against the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). He thinks it is going to take away the rights of parents to make decisions regarding their children. I have read the CRPD, and it says no such thing. What is the CRPD? It stands for Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The United Nations has put together a series of protections for children and adults who have disabilities. The purpose “is to promote, protect, and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all … Continue reading

What Your Dog Says About You

I don’t know if this is a new trend or an old one experiencing a revival, but lately I’ve seen a lot of “what does your dog’s breed say about you?” style articles. I’ve even seen a few ones related to romance: what does your boyfriend’s dog say about him, or about his sex life? While I find the latter a bit of a stretch, I think maybe there might be some truth in the former. The breed of one’s dog might say a bit more about one’s living situation than personality, so that two vastly different people might both … Continue reading

Forcing Yourself to Be Strong

I have a feeling that 2012 will prove to be one of the toughest and most challenging years for me as a parent. Between some serious issues with my daughter (which I will share when the time is right) and my firstborn leaving for the military, it feels like this mommy heart can’t take much more. It has been an emotional past few days as we learned early in the week that our son has his leave date set. He will be departing Tuesday, August 7th for basic training with the Air Force in Lackland, Texas (nearly 1,000 miles away … Continue reading

I Want A Dog – Part 2

As promised, I’m continuing on in my exploration of the issue of bringing a pet into the family. Is there a “best time” to get a pet? If so, how do you know when that time has arrived? To find out more, I looked to animal experts for advice. The ASPCA web site is a wonderful resource for anyone considering getting a pet, whether or not you have children. On that site, I found a helpful guide to which pets are best for children in which age group. It probably goes without saying that infants can not take care of … Continue reading