A Healthy Diet Could Help With ADHD – But is Not a Cure

A recent study found that a way to improve the behavior of kids who have ADHD is to get them to eat a healthier diet. This advice is not designed to be a primary treatment method for ADHD. Could something as simple as a healthy diet be an effective way to lessen the symptoms of ADHD? In the 1970’s, Dr. Benjamin Feingold wrote a book called “Why Your Child is Hyperactive”. Dr. Feingold was a pediatrician and an allergist. The diet he described in his book is now commonly referred to as The Feingold Diet. The basic concept of this … Continue reading

The 10-Year-Old with Six-Pack Abs

Have you heard about the 10-year-old boy with six-pack abs? You can see his picture and read more about him at ABC News. Personally, I’m not impressed. In fact, I am a little put off by the whole thing. First of all, does a 10-year-old really need to have six-pack abs? Can we just be a normal, healthy 10-year-old? Second, isn’t it sort of exploiting him with producing workout DVD’s? I mean, I totally understand the intent is probably to motivate other children to get healthy but this seems a bit extreme to me. I also find it odd that … Continue reading

Was the Atkins Diet Worth It?

In the Summer of 2011, I started the Atkins diet. At the very end of the Summer, I decided it was time for me to quit the diet. Looking back now, I cannot help but wonder. Was the Atkins diet worth doing? Or, was it a waste of time and effort? There are many ways to assess the value of a particular diet. I think the most common way to determine if a diet was “worth it” would be if the diet helped a person to lose weight. Or, one could say that a diet was “worth it” if the … Continue reading

Why I Quit the Atkins Diet

After being on the Atkins diet for a few months, I decided it was time for me to quit. I put a lot of thought into this decision, and concluded that it was best that I get off this diet. My reasons for quitting the Atkins diet might be different from everyone else’s reasons. Despite what is commonly believed, I don’t think that people are supposed to stay “on a diet” forever. There are some exceptions to this rule, however. If a doctor prescribes a certain type of diet for a person, based on that person’s health, then it might … Continue reading

Why I Cheated On My Diet

Nobody is perfect. I managed to get through the first two weeks of the Atkins diet without (really) cheating on it. Then, on the first day of week three, I totally went over the amount of carbs I was supposed to stay under. Were my reasons for doing so good ones? Or, did I get weak and fail? When I first started the Atkins diet, I was very excited to see what this experience would be like. I had a goal weight I wanted to hit, and a very strong motivation to lose it. My sister was getting married, and … Continue reading

Acupuncture and the Atkins Diet

One of the reasons that I chose the Atkins diet was because I wanted to lose weight. The other reason was to help me figure out if I really did have an allergy to gluten. My acupuncturist was able to help me confirm that I do, unfortunately, have a gluten allergy. I started going for acupuncture treatments earlier this year, months before starting the Atkins diet. My main objective with acupuncture was to see if it could help me with my many allergies. I remember that I had a particularly rough week, allergically speaking, and was searching for absolutely anything … Continue reading

Atkins Diet – Days Four and Five

The first three days that I was on the Atkins diet were easier than I expected them to be. I was having fun figuring out how to fix foods in ways that were new to me. On day four, things continued to go well. Day five, on the other hand, turned out to be the worst day since I started the Atkins diet. I started day four feeling optimistic. I had managed to stay under 20 carbs every day so far. I hadn’t had any soda since I started the Atkins diet, and I wasn’t experiencing any caffeine cravings. I … Continue reading

Atkins Diet – Days Two and Three

After a successful first day on the Atkins diet, I was inspired to continue. There is a bit of a learning curve with this diet, and it takes some creativity in order to manage to stay under 20 carbs each day. I was looking forward to the challenge of the second and third days on Atkins. My first day on Atkins went pretty well. By the end of the first day, I had only eaten 12 carbs, (out of the 20 I am allowed). I found myself thinking a lot about what I was going to eat next, and looking … Continue reading

Successful Vacation Dieting

Going on vacation is something that everyone looks forward to. However, if you are dieting it can be difficult to maintain your dieting regime and at the same time treat yourself to a little extra extravagance when it comes to mealtime. Here are some suggestions to help you make it through your vacation and still lose a pound or two: First of all, do not expect to lose as much as you would when you are at home and following your normal, every day schedule. Accepting this will help you not to become too discouraged when you get back home … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: July 2008

Two of my three children are summer babies. That is, they were born in the summer and had their first months surrounded by sunshine streaming in the windows, the sound of birds chirping, and days spent wearing nothing but a diaper and a “onsie.” I made sure that they had Fourth of July outfits ready, even though one of them arrived a week after the holiday. I guess he just wasn’t interested in the parade. Do you have a summer baby, too? We had a lot of new information to share this past month, such as recall notices and new … Continue reading