Scrapping Your Camera

Scrapbookers are gearing up for the busiest time of the year. October, November and December are prime months for documenting holiday-related events. Memory book makers’ cameras will be getting a major workout as 2012 comes to an end. Consequently, you’ll want to make sure your camera is in tip-top shape in order to capture all of those special holiday moments. Now is also an ideal time to upgrade your digital camera if you are looking to improve your scrapbook pictures. When shopping for a new camera it’s important to conduct some research prior to purchasing. Fortunately, the Internet is teeming … Continue reading

Exercising but Gaining Weight

Nothing can frustrate a person more than starting a fitness routine, only to find they are gaining weight. That was the case for me when I began my journey of a healthier lifestyle. I remember after nearly a month of exercising at least 30 minutes most days, the scale was going the opposite direction than I expected. At one point I was in near tears…until I started doing some investigating and uncovered several possible reasons. One reason for gaining weight is that you are putting on more muscle. We automatically assume the weight gain is fat but muscle is much … Continue reading

Ricki Lake’s Battle with Weight

I just finished a great book, “Never Say Never” by Ricki Lake. I come from the era of the “Ricki Lake Show” and was very interested in hearing more about her life. The central theme of “Never Say Never” is the battle she has waged with her weight. She is similar to the likes of Kirstie Alley, in that her weight problems have always been out there for the world to see. Ricki Lake first came on the scene when she starred in the movie, “Hairspray.” She weighed 200 pounds at the time. That seemed to fuel something inside her, … Continue reading

Why Aren’t I Losing Weight?

A question that is asked by many is this…why aren’t I losing weight when I am eating healthy and exercising? This can be very discouraging. It seems like you are doing everything right, yet the pounds aren’t dropping. Well there are some important things to consider. The first is that it could be your body is gaining muscle. This is especially true if you have been doing a lot of resistance (strength) training. Another potential reason is that while you may not be losing pounds, you could be losing inches. This is why it’s always a good idea to not … Continue reading

How Your BMR Can Help You Lose Weight

Most of us know what BMI (body mass index) is and that it measures your height and weight to determine how much body fat you have. But have you heard of BMR (basal metabolic rate)? This is important to understanding how many calories you should be consuming each day. If you take in more calories than you should, you will gain weight. But if you take in fewer calories than you should, it will interfere with the body’s ability to burn fat. It could also lead to dysfunction in your blood pressure, heart rate and ability to digest foods. So … Continue reading

Extreme Way to Lose Weight: Tongue Patch Diet

I recently learned of an extreme way to lose weight, the tongue patch diet. It is a surgical procedure where a doctor uses prolene mesh; a material used to repair hernias and sutures it to the tongue. This makes eating solid foods very painful, limiting a person’s diet to liquids. The patch usually stays on for no more than a month and according to some doctors, it has had success. There are also claims that side effects have been minimal. There is so much to say about such an extreme and potentially dangerous way to “help” someone lose weight. First … Continue reading

Should a Wedding Be a Reason to Lose Weight?

The wedding season is just around the corner and I have been hearing stories about bride-to-be’s attempting to lose weight in order to “fit” into their wedding dress. It got me thinking…should a wedding be a reason to lose weight? I don’t really think so. I know this goes against the normal way of doing American weddings but think about why this isn’t a good idea. First of all, it makes no sense to buy a dress you can’t fit into, in the hopes that you will eventually be able to. If you met your soon-to-be husband the way you … Continue reading

Fitness in Your 20’s

Fitness tends to take on a different life when you are in your 40’s, compared to those in their 20’s. So I am starting a series on fitness across the decades, starting with the 20’s and ending with the 50’s. Ideally, fitness should begin while you are still in your 20’s. When you develop healthy habits early on, you are more likely to continue them into the later years. There are generally two groups of people in their 20’s, those that don’t feel they need to incorporate fitness right now and those that are avid workout buffs. Those who don’t … Continue reading

What Is Your Ideal Weight?

In our quest to lose weight, eat healthier and exercise we sometimes fail to set goals. We just know we want to be thinner, or eat better or get stronger. But we don’t think about things like what our ideal weight should be. Perhaps I am wrong but the way I judge my outward appearance is not by numbers. My Wii Fit Plus is happy to tell me what my ideal weight should be; however, I tend to base things on how my clothing fits. I want to be a certain size, not a certain weight. Yet if I don’t … Continue reading

Repaying Your Debt

You have some extra money, or you’re cutting back so that you can make some progressive financial changes in your life. Congratulations! Now comes the confusing part. Where do you put the money? If you have debts, take a look at their rates of interest. You may have everything ranging from a zero-interest loan from family or a bank to a credit card that charges upwards of 18% in interest. These debts are not created equal. Ideally, you want to get rid of those that are costing you a lot of money in interest. Take a look at your debts … Continue reading