Post-Natal Fitness: The Marvelous Mid-Section

You’ve spent the better part of a year watching your belly grow and expand. You’ve loosened the waistband on your pants, invested in new clothes and finally, the momentous day arrived and you have your baby. As we discussed in Post-Natal Fitness: So You Just Had a Baby…. it’s important for you to make sure you see your physician for your check-up after the baby is born and to consult with your doctor before you get started on a fitness program. That being said, here are a few exercises for you to use to tackle getting yourself back to some … Continue reading

Women’s Fitness: Time Marches On

When it comes to getting in shape, we’ve often said that women are different from men. But how they are different is very specific. How are they different? Let’s talk about that today. First and foremost, sometime around the age of 25, women who do not exercise begin to lose an average of 7 pounds of muscle every decade and gain about 15 pounds of fat. This continues until we’re in our 40s and 50s. Then comes menopause – after menopause those numbers double. If that isn’t a frightening set of numbers, I don’t know what is. We call it … Continue reading

Work Your Abs – Get Flatter in No Time

For most women, when you start talking about fitness and getting into shape, we think about the abdominal muscles. We think about trimming the excess weight off and slimming down. We think about firming up the stomach muscles and whether we get a six-pack or not is irrelevant, a taut and firm tummy is an ideal. Since abdominal fat is some of the hardest fat for anyone to lose and some of the most important fat to trim back. The following abdominal exercises are great for helping you sculpt and tone. It’s important, if you are dieting and working on … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review – September 16-22

We were pretty busy this week in the Fitness blog with a few guest spots from Kaye exploring some great topics from the Firm and more. So here’s our Fitness Blog Week in Review: Sunday, September 17 We talked about Exercise Tips for Kids and What Can Parents Do to increase the activity levels of their children. We also talked about Women’s Fitness: Ladies, Our Life Span is Getting Longer. Women’s Fitness is and should be a concern for all of us because our lifespan is getting longer and longer. Many of our age-related conditions are a product of our … Continue reading

Tuesday’s Top Ten: A Few of My Favorite Exercises

I enjoy writing about fitness. I enjoy working out. I enjoy learning about fitness. Once upon a time, I was one of those people that bought every fitness fad product that came down the line. I bought books by the tonnage (but I think that has more to do with the fact that I love books) and I bought lots of tools from hand weights to stability balls to resistance bands. What makes it neat is I use pretty much every one of these pieces. Still there are some exercises and exercise routines that I love above all others and … Continue reading