Do You and Your Spouse Compete?

We’re human, so it’s only natural that we have a little bit of a competitive streak in us, right? I have to admit, I do enjoy beating Matt at a game of Words with Friends or Phase 10. He would definitely beat me in any kind of physical race or competition, so it’s only fair that I hold my own with board games, right? See, I knew you’d understand. But what about the need some husbands and wives have to constantly one-up each other? I’ve seen this happen, and it’s not pretty. Husband: I have a headache. Wife: Me too! … Continue reading

Would You Be Happier to Be Thinner Than Your Spouse?

Would you be happier if you were thinner than your spouse? I recently read in “Health News” that a new study from the University of Tennessee found that women who had a lower body mass index (BMI) than their husband in the first few years of marriage were much more satisfied. What they discovered is that it really had less to do with how skinny the wife was and more to do with her BMI. They apparently followed 169 couples, from the beginning of their marriages through the next four years. Men were also more satisfied when they had lower … Continue reading